5 Best Keto Pills for 2024 – Fast Working Keto Diet Supplements Reviews Based on Customer Ratings | Ask The Experts

The ketogenic diet has gained immense popularity for its potential to help people lose weight and improve their overall health. However, adhering to a strict keto diet can be challenging. This is where keto pills come into play.

Keto pills are dietary supplements designed to support ketosis, the metabolic state where the body burns fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates. 

Here, we will explore the best keto pills for 2024 that work fastest, considering factors such as ingredient quality, effectiveness, customer reviews, and overall value. Whether you’re a keto enthusiast or a beginner looking to jumpstart your ketogenic weight loss target, this guide will help you make an informed decision about which keto pills to support you on your weight loss journey.

Best Keto Diet Pill for 2024 – A Quick Look

Here are the top 5 diet pills for keto dieters in 2024:

  1. Keto Charge – best keto pill overall 

  2. Keto EXTREME

  3. Keto + Apple Cider Vinegar 

  4. Keto Burn 

  5. Keto Slim Pro 

We rate Keto Charge as the best and fastest working keto pill overall. However, if you have very specific requirements from keto diet pills, you may find one of the other four options a more attractive alternative.

#1 – Keto Charge (Editor’s Choice)


CLICK to view price on Keto Charge from official website

Keto Charge is our top pick for the best keto pill in 2024. It’s a powerful and effective supplement that supports ketosis and helps accelerate weight loss.

Keto Charge contains a proprietary blend of BHB salts. BHB salts are present in many keto diet pill formulas but the salts in Keto Charge are of a particularly high quality.

Research proves supplementing with BHB salts is an efficient way to induce ketosis, [1, 2] so it’s not surprising that so many people are reporting such impressive results from Keto Charge.

A high-quality option through and through, Keto Charge is manufactured in an FDA-approved facility, ensuring high-quality standards and safety. It is also free from artificial ingredients, fillers, and additives, making it a clean and pure keto supplement.

This keto pill is known for its ability to provide a sustained and steady energy boost while suppressing appetite, making it easier to stick to a low-carb diet. It also helps maintain muscle mass during weight loss, ensuring that you burn fat and not muscle.

Customer reviews for Keto Charge are overwhelmingly positive, with many users reporting significant weight reductions and increased energy levels.

Overall, Keto Charge is a reliable and effective keto pill that can support your weight loss goals and help you achieve ketosis faster. Whether you’re new to the ketogenic diet or a seasoned keto dieter, Keto Charge is an excellent choice.


  • Provides an ingredient that’s proven to promote ketosis

  • Produced in an FDA-approved facility

  • Suitable for vegans and vegetarians

  • The manufacturer provides rapid free shipping

  • Possible to get 3 bottles for the price of 2

  • Has the backing of a 60-day money-back guarantee




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Keto EXTREME Fat Burner has been positioned in the market as a dietary supplement that enhances the fat-burning process by inducing the metabolic state known as ketosis. It’s part of a category of weight loss products that have been garnering attention from various health professionals and celebrities for their potential benefits. Below is a detailed review of this product based on the information provided.

Promised Benefits

The product’s main selling points include:

  • Accelerated Fat Burning: By helping the body enter ketosis, it’s claimed that Keto EXTREME Fat Burner can burn fat more efficiently than traditional diets.

  • Energy Source Shift: The supplement suggests a shift from using carbohydrates for energy to burning fat, which may provide the body with 225% more energy.

  • Enhanced Well-being: Users are expected to feel better overall due to the increased energy derived from fats, which could lead to improved mental clarity and stamina.

The Power of BHB (Beta-Hydroxybutyrate)

Keto EXTREME Fat Burner’s formula is centered around Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), an exogenous ketone. BHB is designed to kickstart the process of ketosis more quickly than diet alone.

  • BHB is the first substrate that supposedly triggers the state of ketosis into action.

  • The presence of BHB is touted as a groundbreaking achievement, providing tangible weight loss benefits and increased energy.

How It Claims to Work

The underlying principle of Keto EXTREME Fat Burner is that it forces the body into ketosis:

  • Ketosis: A metabolic state where the body burns stored fat for energy instead of carbohydrates.

  • Fat Utilization: By being in ketosis, the body uses fat as its primary energy source, which can result in weight loss and higher energy levels.

The Problem with Traditional Diets

The supplement outlines the issues with conventional diets, which often lead to burning carbohydrates for energy, leaving fat stores untouched. This can result in:

  • Short-term energy spikes followed by crashes.

  • Unburned fat stores leading to increased weight.

  • Feelings of fatigue, stress, and depletion at day’s end.

Why Keto Extreme Claims to Be Effective

Keto Extreme Fat Burner asserts its effectiveness by:

  • Enabling the body to burn stored fat for energy.

  • Providing an ideal source of energy to the body, which purportedly leads to enhanced physical and mental performance.

  • Promising rapid weight loss results, with users reportedly losing up to 1 kg of fat per day.

Customer Experience

The product has bold claims of customers experiencing significant weight loss at a rapid pace, suggesting that some users are losing up to 1 kg per day.


Keto EXTREME Fat Burner is marketed as a revolutionary supplement that enables quick entry into ketosis, thereby aiding in fat burning and energy production. The inclusion of BHB is highlighted as the key to its success. However, as with all supplements, it is crucial to approach these claims with caution and to consult with a healthcare provider before beginning any new supplement, particularly for individuals with underlying health conditions or those on medication.

#3 – Keto + Apple Cider Vinegar


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As the name suggests, Keto + Apple Cider Vinegar capsules provide a mix of exogenous ketones and apple cider vinegar. The formula also provides green tea raspberry ketones, garcinia cambogia, and medium chain triglycerides (MCT), taken from coconut oil powder. All of these ingredients have long standing associations with weight management but not with ketosis.

Regardless of the methods involved, customer reviews show Keto + Apple cider Vinegar capsules work well for many people. In addition to reports of weight loss, customers often mention improvements in energy.

However, Keto + Apple Cider Vinegar capsules do not work for everyone. Some users say they noticed no benefits at all. That’s the same for a lot of dietary supplements. In this case, the unfortunate thing is the manufacturer does not provide a money-back guarantee.



  • Does not work for everyone

  • Unsuitable for vegans or vegetarians

  • There is no money-back guarantee

#4 – Keto Burn


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Keto Burn is another popular option with dieters seeking a supplement that can ease them into ketosis and help them burn extra fat for energy.

The formula is very similar to the one Keto + Apple Cider Vinegar capsules provide. Apart from variations in the inclusion rates of the common ingredients, the only difference is Keto Burn provides bitter orange extract instead of exogenous ketones.

Needless to say, the substitution limits the supplement’s power to a certain extent.

Bitter orange is a useful inclusion, nonetheless. Also known as Citrus Aurantium, bitter orange provides synephrine. It’s both a stimulant and a thermogenic fat burner.

However, research suggests that, in order to get good results from supplements that provide synephrine, it’s necessary to make a commitment to regular exercise activities. [3]

Keto Burn reviews from customers are mostly good but some users say the capsules caused them to have various gastrointestinal issues such as constipation, intestinal gas, or upset stomach.



  • May cause upset stomach and/or other digestive issues

  • Not suitable for vegan or vegetarian use

  • The manufacturer does not provide a money-back guarantee

#5 – Keto Slim Pro


CLICK to view price and offers special offers for Keto Slim Pro

Keto Slim Pro is a vegan-friendly keto supplement produced in capsule form. Each capsule provides BHB salts, MCT powder, raspberry ketone, and apple cider vinegar. All of these are popular inclusions in keto diet pill formulas.

However, Keto Slim Pro also contains L-taurine and L-leucine. Neither of these amino acids is normally associated with ketosis.

Although both may appear to have questionable value, L-taurine is good for fighting fatigue and improving endurance during exercise. Studies involving rodents suggest there may be a potential link between L-leucine and ketosis, but further study is necessary. Preferably conducted on humans instead of lab animals.

That’s not to say Leucine has no merit. It’s very useful for speeding up muscle recovery after exercise. So, although L-taurine and L-leucine may not offer much value to a lot of keto dieters or, indeed dieters in general, their presence in the Keto Slim Pro formula will be beneficial to users who have a strong commitment to diet and exercise.

As far as customer feedback goes, good reviews outnumber the bad but, although many users say the capsules are nice and easy to swallow, others complain they leave a bad taste in the mouth.



What Is Ketosis?

Ketosis is a natural metabolic state in which the body ketones for energy instead of relying on blood sugar from carbohydrates. During ketosis, the body breaks down its stored fat and sends it to the liver as the raw material for ketone creation.

Fans of the keto diet believe ketones are the body’s favorite source of fuel, but this is a hotly disputed idea and many people consider the keto diet a fad diet.

Ketosis can be beneficial for weight loss and may have potential benefits for conditions such as epilepsy, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, acne, cancer, and certain nervous system diseases.

What is a Keto Pill?

A Keto Pill refers to a type of dietary supplement designed to support individuals following a ketogenic diet, which is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet aimed at inducing a state of ketosis in the body. Ketosis is a metabolic state where the body burns fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates, leading to fat loss and potentially other health benefits.


Keto Pills typically contain exogenous ketones, which are ketone bodies that are produced outside of the body. These supplements are intended to help the body enter ketosis more quickly, reduce the symptoms of “keto flu” associated with the adaptation to a ketogenic diet, and provide additional energy for those who are restricting carbohydrate intake.


The main ingredient in most Keto Pills is beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB salts), which is one of the three primary ketone bodies used as an energy source when glucose is scarce. 


By supplementing with BHB, Keto Pills aim to mimic the ketones the body naturally produces and can help ease the transition into ketosis, thus supporting the dietary goals of those on a keto diet. However, it’s important to note that the effectiveness of Keto Pills can vary, and they are designed to complement a ketogenic diet, not replace it.

Why is the Keto Diet So Popular?

The keto diet has gained immense popularity due to its potential benefits for weight loss and treating various health conditions.

However, much of the diet’s popularity can also be attributed to links to various celebrities, some of whom openly admit to following keto diet plans. Stories and comments posted via social media, also contribute much to the popularity of this somewhat extreme low-carb diet plan.

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why the keto diet is presently getting so much attention.

Effective Weight Loss

By severely restricting carbohydrate intake and increasing healthy fat consumption, the body enters a state of ketosis, where it burns stored fat for energy. This can lead to significant weight loss, especially in the initial stages of the diet.

Increased Energy Levels

Many people report higher energy levels and improvements in mental clarity when following the keto diet. This may be due to more stable blood sugar levels and the steady supply of ketones as an alternative energy source for the brain.

Reduced Appetite

The high fat and moderate protein content of the keto diet can produce metabolic changes that reduce hunger and cravings, helping keto dieters to continue to eat small food portions without requiring the support of an appetite suppressant.

Improved Blood Sugar Control

The keto diet may be beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance. By minimizing carbohydrate intake, the diet helps regulate blood sugar levels and improves insulin sensitivity.

Variety of Food Choices

Contrary to popular belief, the keto diet offers a wide range of food choices. Although carbohydrate intake requires restriction, there are plenty of delicious and nutritious options available, including meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, avocados, and non-starchy vegetables.

Potential Health Benefits

In addition to weight loss, the keto diet has shown potential benefits for various health conditions. It may help reduce inflammation, improve heart health, lower blood pressure, and even aid in the management of certain neurological disorders like epilepsy.

However, it’s important to be aware that the keto diet may not be a good choice for everyone, and, in general, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant dietary or lifestyle changes.

How Do Keto Pills Work?

As with keto gummies, which are becoming increasingly popular, most keto diet pills work by increasing the levels of ketones in the body. They achieve this by providing exogenous ketones.

Exogenous ketones are ketones produced outside the body. Keto supplements generally provide them in the form of BHB salts, which artificially push up ketone levels in the blood.

By doing this, BHB keto diet pills help ease the body into ketosis. Keto dieters find this supplement type useful because, when people first switch to this type of eating plan, it can take several days of correct eating before ketosis occurs.

During the early stages, many Keto dieters have to contend with a variety of flu-like symptoms. The condition, though short-lived, can be quite unpleasant. It’s known as keto flu.

By providing synthetic ketones, the best keto diet supplements can help prevent keto flu or reduce the intensity and length of the symptoms.

However, not all keto diet pills provide artificial ketones. Some of them contain ingredients that provide appetite suppression, block carb absorption, or contain compounds that make it easier to reduce calorie intake from carbs.

As you will have noticed from the product overviews, some keto diet pills are hybrid supplements that combine BHB salts with additional ingredients, in particular fruit extracts.

Additionally, certain keto supplement formulas, have standard diet pill ingredients, such as green tea, that boost metabolism, making it possible to burn more calories and fat than it’s possible by diet and exercise alone. They may also contain compounds that boost energy.

How to Get the Best Results from Keto Supplements

As with any other form of dietary supplement, to get the maximum benefits, it’s necessary to adhere to certain important lifestyle commitments:

Stay Consistent with Your Keto Diet

To get the best results from keto supplements, it is crucial to maintain consistency with your ketogenic diet. Follow the recommended macronutrient ratios and limit your carbohydrate intake to induce and sustain ketosis. This will ensure that your body is in the optimal state to utilize the benefits of the supplements.

Choose High-Quality Supplements

When selecting keto supplements, opt for high-quality products from reputable brands, such as the ones covered in this article. If possible choose options that have money-back guarantees.

Follow Proper Dosage Instructions

Every keto supplement has specific dosage instructions. It’s important to follow them carefully. Taking the right amount at the right time will allow your body to effectively absorb and utilize the supplement’s benefits. Avoid exceeding the recommended dosage, as doing so may lead to adverse effects.

Observe Your Response

Everyone’s genetic makeup is unique, so it’s important to listen to your own body’s signals and adjust accordingly. Pay attention to how your body responds to the supplements and make any necessary modifications.

How to Get the Best Value for Money When Buying Keto Supplements

To get the best value for money when buying keto supplements, consider purchasing in bulk or taking advantage of any discounts or promotions certain brands provide.

For instance, in the case of Keto Charge, the official website provides options to get 3 bottles for the price of 2 and 5 bottles for the price of 3. If you are planning on using a keto supplement long-term, offers like these can provide outstandingly good value for money.

When considering buying any supplement for the first time, also make sure the price you see on the site is the price you will have to pay. Some manufacturers apply hefty postal charges during the final stages of the checkout process.

Although the manufacturers of Keto Charge do not apply any additional charges, many alternative suppliers do.

Additionally, it’s generally best to avoid autoship contracts. Although such schemes place the ordering process on autopilot, they can sometimes be difficult to cancel and may involve hidden charges.

Buying supplements via an Amazon subscription generally does not present any problems and can involve modest discounts. However, autoship offers via manufacturers’ websites may be more trouble than they are worth.

Best Keto Supplements: Article Conclusion

Keto Diet Pills and gummies can offer many desirable benefits to keto dieters and people who hope to take advantage of the benefits associated with ketosis without having to fully commit to a keto diet plan.

They can also provide general weight loss support but the range of benefits on offer varies from one brand to the next. Some keto supplements concentrate on artificially elevated keto levels in the blood, while others may provide help in other areas such as appetite suppression, help with cravings, and/or increasing energy levels or metabolism.

Choosing the right keto supplement requires careful consideration of several factors including the product’s ingredients, your personal health status, and the value for money.

Bearing in mind the present problems many people are having keeping up with the cost of living, value for money can be an important consideration. Taking advantage of any discounts or special deals that are available can deliver significant savings.

However, regardless of which keto supplement you choose, it’s important to do your research, follow dosage instructions, and listen to your body’s response. Remember, while keto supplements can aid in your weight loss journey, they are not a substitute for a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Keto Diet Pills FAQs

  1. What are keto diet pills and how do they work?
    Keto diet pills are dietary supplements designed to help support the body’s transition into a state of ketosis, where it burns fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. They typically contain ingredients like BHB (beta-hydroxybutyrate), which is a ketone body that can aid in mimicking the effects of ketosis, potentially helping the body to shift its energy source more efficiently.

  2. Can keto diet pills replace a ketogenic diet?
    No, keto diet pills are not a replacement for following a keto lifestyle or diet. The pills are intended to supplement the diet by potentially making it easier to enter and maintain ketosis. For best results, these pills should be used in conjunction with a well-formulated ketogenic diet that is low in carbohydrates, moderate in protein, and high in healthy fats.

  3. Are there any side effects associated with taking keto diet pills?
    Some individuals may experience side effects when taking keto diet pills, especially if they contain stimulants or if the person has a sensitivity to any of the ingredients. Possible side effects can include gastrointestinal discomfort, headaches, and jitteriness. It’s important to review the ingredients and consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.

  4. How long should I take keto diet pills for?
    The duration for taking keto diet pills varies depending on individual goals and responses to the supplement. Some may take them only during the initial phase of starting a ketogenic diet to help with the transition into ketosis, while others might use them consistently to support their dietary lifestyle. Always follow the manufacturer’s recommended dosage and consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

  5. Do keto diet pills help with weight loss?
    Keto diet pills may aid in weight loss by supporting the body’s ability to enter ketosis, where it burns fat for energy. However, they are not magic pills that cause weight loss on their own. Effective weight loss on a keto diet typically requires a combination of proper nutrition, regular exercise, and overall calorie control. Supplements may assist in this process but should not be relied upon as the sole method of weight loss.

Research Sources

  1. The Effect of Exogenous Beta-Hydroxybutyrate Salt Supplementation on Metrics of Safety and Health in Adolescents: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8000900/

  2. Effects of Exogenous Ketone Supplementation on Blood Glucose: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35380602/

  3. Acute P‐Synephrine Ingestion Increases Fat Oxidation Rate During Exercise: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4972152/

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