5 Zodiac Signs With Great Horoscopes On March 18, 2024

Make a choice and stick to it. That’s the decisive energy of Monday. Are you ready to draw the line in sand (or rock)? Of course, five zodiac signs—Cancer, Taurus, Pisces, Aries, and Virgo — will have the best experience if they embrace this. There’s something here for everyone.

First, Uranus in Taurus stands out as the cosmic driver today. So be prepared to start the new week in a somewhat eccentric manner, whether through your outfit choice, a statement you make on social media, or even the decision to grab coffee and cookies for everyone at your workplace. It’s a choice, though, and those who choose to align themselves with this energy will find hidden blessings in the most unexpected places.

With Uranus trine Ceres in Capricorn adding weight to the above message, we are reminded that nurturing places and people often lead to fantastic friendships and a positive environment for everyone. Moon in Cancer opposite Ceres cautions us against nurturing energy vampires.

It’s always good to know what to water and what to steer clear of. If you feel called to, meditate with a clear quartz palm stone today to understand these undercurrents better. Now, let’s focus on the five zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on March 18, 2024.

Five zodiac signs with the great horoscopes on March 18, 2024:

1. Cancer

Cancer, it may be the beginning of a new week today, but the cosmic forces urge you to take things slow and be at ease. Let the world flow around you as you follow your routines and complete your chores. Permit yourself to not think about the future today and just be present in the moment. Heart healing awaits you on this path. Those of you who struggle with people-pleasing are especially urged to stick to this aimlessness today. It will help you realize what you truly want and what is being forced upon you. The path forward will make more sense when you do this.

Best zodiac sign to hang out with: Other Cancers

Best area to focus on: Your choice

Best time of the day: 11 am

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2. Taurus

Teamwork makes the dream work, Taurus! Today’s energy urges you to be mindful of team dynamics and how the team members feel about the tasks and procedures. It’s easy to ask people to suppress their desires for the greater good (whatever that means in your particular situation). In the long run, it’s important to nurture each individual and consider their well-being so the greater goal doesn’t get derailed by internal toxicity. You are also encouraged to engage with nature today, whether it’s through a walk in the neighborhood park, watching birds outside your window, or watering your plants at home. Intriguing insights await you here!

Best zodiac sign to hang out with: Scorpio & Leo

Best area to focus on: Nature

Best time of the day: 2 am/pm

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3. Pisces

Pisces, today’s energy is poignant. You are encouraged to let go of relationships from your past that still hold an energetic hold on you, especially if you still yearn for an ex or a situation that was not good for your well-being. Let the process start today. Let your soul heal. You have the cosmic forces backing you up.

Some of you will benefit from doing a ritual bath today to help you cleanse your auric field and find closure. If soaking in a tub is not possible, find a large bowl (preferably of glass) and add water, yellow and orange flower petals, and salt to it. You can light floating candles with the intention of cutting cords that no longer serve you and meditating as the flames glow.

Best zodiac sign to hang out with: Other Pisces

Best area to focus on: Eliminating toxic relationship patterns

Best time of the day: 10 pm

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4. Aries

Aries, don’t shy away from reality today. There are always people who are more privileged than others. Do you have such blessings, too? Acknowledge what’s true and express your gratitude. That’s the only way you can recognize where you showed exceptional skill and talent and where you had luck paving the path for you. Once you do this, sit still and consider the path forward. Your impulses are often razor-sharp nudges from the cosmos. What do you wish to do next?

Best zodiac sign to hang out with: Pisces

Best area to focus on: Impulsive Listening to your intuition

Best time of the day: 5 pm

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5. Virgo

Virgo, love should make your heart feel full and blessed. It should never make you want to run in the opposite direction and hide away in your cave. Even when you need solitude, true love will always make you eager to return to those you love. The energy today urges you to examine the people you consider your loved ones more closely. Do they fit that definition, or is there something toxic beneath the surface? Meditation can help you understand the truth. That’s your unconventional blessing of the day.

Best zodiac sign to hang out with: Other Virgos

Best area to focus on: Steadiness & meditation

Best time of the day: 6 am

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

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