6 Best Carb Blockers in 2024: Most Effective Carbohydrate Blocking Pills to Use, Tried and Tested | Ask The Experts

Also known as starch blockers, Carb-blocking pills have become increasingly popular in recent years. However, many people are attracted to them for the wrong reasons. Instead of using them as a weight loss aid, they use them as cheat pills, hoping for a miracle way to eat all the carbs they want without having to worry about weight gain.

Although many options only block carbohydrate absorption, there are also a few more sophisticated weight loss supplements that offer value in additional areas.

In this article, we will take a look at the most effective carb-blocking pills to use in 2024.

Best Carb Blockers – At a Glance

Here are the 6 most effective carb-blocking and weight loss pills to use in 2024 based on customer reviews and ratings.

  1. PhenQ – Best Multi Action Fat Blocker

  2. Berbaprime 

  3. Azaro Nutrition White Kidney Bean 

  4. Toplux Keto Blocker 

  5. Dr Stephanie’s Carb and Sugar Blocker 

  6. Natrol Carb Intercept 

How Carb-Blocking Pills Work

Carb-blocking pills work by inhibiting the enzyme alpha-amylase, which is responsible for breaking down carbohydrates into simple sugars that the body can absorb easily. By blocking this enzyme, carb blockers place limits on this important metabolic process.

This results in fewer carbs being converted into glucose, which could then be stored as fat. By reducing the absorption of simple and complex carbohydrates, these pills can potentially aid in weight loss by decreasing overall calorie intake and preventing blood sugar spikes.

However, if you are serious about losing weight with carb blocker supplements, you will still need to commit to following a low-calorie diet plan and maintain adequate levels of physical activity.

If you try using them as cheat pills, the only person you will be cheating is yourself.

Benefits of Using Carb-Blocker Pills

Aside from aiding in weight loss, carb-blocking pills also offer other potential benefits such as:

  • Reduced risk of diabetes: By preventing the rapid increase of blood sugar levels, carb-blocking pills can potentially lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

  • Improved digestive health: Carb-blocker supplements can help alleviate symptoms of bloating and discomfort that often are the result of consuming meals that are high in complex carbs.

  • Increased energy: By preventing the post-eating blood sugar spikes and subsequent insulin-related crashes, carb-blockers may make it easier to sustain higher energy levels throughout the day. Unfortunately, they are unlikely to offer protection from diet-related fatigue.

  • Better control over cravings: By decreasing carb absorption, these pills can help reduce cravings for high-carb foods, making it easier to stick to a healthy diet.

The Best Carb Blocker Pills Evaluated and Compared

Let’s take a closer look at the top 6 carb-blocking pills on our list and see what each of them has to offer.

#1 – PhenQ – Best for Weight Loss

CLICK to view PhenQ price and special offers on official website

PhenQ is arguably the best all round weight loss available over the counter – is it truly multi action.

Many of the diet pills you see advertised are nothing more than diuretics – you will lose weight quickly but put it straight back on the instant you rehydrate. Don’t waste your money on glorified water pills. Diet products like PhenQ are serious permanent weight loss solutions.

Although carb blocker supplements can help produce modest improvements in fat loss when used correctly, they do not rank among the most powerful diet pills. But PhenQ does. It’s a high-potency diet pill that has already helped more than 190,000 people to lose weight. The are lost og high profile PhenQ reviews from people documenting their weight loss results.

Unlike the other five supplements on our list, PhenQ does not contain any carb-blocking ingredients, so including it here is a bit sneaky. However, if losing weight is your primary goal, PhenQ is the best diet pill to help you do it. It’s not unusual for PhenQ users to lose over 10 pounds by the time they finish their first bottle (30-day supply).

PhenQ is also suitable for vegans and vegetarians.

Although PhenQ doesn’t contain any carb-blocking ingredients, it does provide a fat-blocking ingredient. It’s called nopal.

Nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica) is a species of edible cactus that’s known for its ability to suppress appetite.

Research proves nopal has value as a fat blocker and can also produce changes in the gut microbiota that result in improvements in metabolism and fat loss. [1, 2]

As far as weight management goes, fat blockers have greater value than carb blockers because each gram of digested carbohydrate only provides 4 calories. A gram of dietary fat provides 9. That’s over double the amount. [3]

Powered by 13 natural ingredients, PhenQ also provides a variety of additional benefits including thermogenic fat burning and protection from diet-related fatigue and low mood. It’s a complete weight loss toolkit that ensures dieters who use it always have the best tools for the job.

#2 – Berbaprime – Best Carbohydrate Blocker for Controlling Cholesterol

CLICK to view BerbaPrime price and special offers on official website

Berbaprime is a high-quality oral supplement that provides 1,500 mg of berberine per dose. Berberine is a botanical compound that’s associated with many benefits, including weight loss. BerbaPrime is arguably the best berberine supplement on the market at this time.

Used in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years, berberine is a powerful antioxidant that boasts notable anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. Healers use it in numerous roles including reducing high blood pressure and controlling cholesterol. Many believe it may also have anti-aging capabilities.

As research progresses, we are learning more and more about berberine all the time, and, in recent years, scientists have discovered berberine inhibits carb digestion within the intestine. [4]

Research is also highly supportive of using berberine supplements to manage cholesterol, with study data showing it can reduce LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) levels by 20-30% [5]

Statin medications offer a similar reduction but also have dangerous side effects. Not surprisingly, berberine supplements have become a very popular natural alternative to Statins.

#3 – Azaro Nutrition White Kidney Bean – Best Basic Carb Blocker Pills


CLICK to view Azro Nutrition White Kidney Bean Extract price and special offers on official website

As the name suggests, Azaro Nutrition White Kidney Bean Extract is a supplement that harnesses the carb-blocking abilities of white kidney bean extract. The pills do not contain any other active ingredients.

Research shows white kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) has good credentials as an alpha-amylase inhibitor and can be effective in supporting weight loss. [6]

Each pill provides 600 mg of white kidney bean extract. You take one pill, two times per day – that’s 1,200 mg per day, a dose that is proven effective.

However, although white kidney bean extract can work for weight loss and Azaro Nutrition’s carbohydrate blocking pills are a quality option, PhenQ provides a better level of overall weight loss support. In addition to helping reduce calorie intake, the supplement also removes the obstacle of hunger and provides additional benefits that speed up the weight loss process and make dieting less of a challenge.

#4 – Toplux Keto Blocker – A Carb Blocker for Keto Dieters


CLICK to view Toplux Keto Blocker price and availability

Toplux Keto Blocker is aimed at people who are trying to lose weight by following a keto diet.

Maintaining a state of ketosis can be challenging, especially when you slip up and consume too many carbs. Taking Toplux Keto blocker helps ensure your keto diet doesn’t go off the rails thanks to its ability to inhibit carbohydrate absorption.

Each pill contains 600 mg of white kidney bean extract. That’s the same as Azro Nutrition’s product but Toplux Keto Blocker is twice the price.

In this case, the dose is three pills per day, taken together before the main meal of the day.

Each bottle provides a 30-day treatment – that’s 90 capsules versus Azro Nutrition White Kidney Bean Extract 60. Fifty percent more pills is enough to justify a small price difference but not a 100% increase.

The bottom line is that both supplements could be used interchangeably and the Azro Nutrition product offers better value for money. However, if you don’t mind paying more and Azro Nutrition’s supplement becomes temporarily unavailable, this one is a good second choice.

#5 – Dr Stephanie’s Carb and Sugar Blocker – Best for Blood Sugar Control


CLICK to view Dr Stephanies Carb and Sugar Blocker price and availability

Dr Stephanie’s Carb and Sugar Blocker is a little cheaper than the previous product but although it’s a high-quality product, it’s not a great choice for anyone seeking a basic carb blocker.

Each capsule provides berberine, chromium, and Gymnema sylvestre.

Chromium is a mineral that helps regulate blood sugar and insulin levels. It also has the potential to prevent the blood sugar crashes that often trigger carb cravings. For that reason, it’s also present in PhenQ.

Due to the presence of berberine in the formula, this carb blocker also has the potential to help manage cholesterol but Dr Stephenie does not market her supplement on this ability, preferring to concentrate on its value in other areas such as controlling carb absorption and sugar cravings.

Also known as “the sugar destroyer,” Gymnema sylvestre is another ingredient that controls blood glucose. Dr. Stephanie’s Carb and Sugar Blocker is capable of doing the things it’s designed to do and probably offers the most value to people who need a supplement to control their blood sugar levels.

#6 – Natrol Carb Intercept – Best Carb Blocker for Peri and Postmenopausal Women


CLICK to view Natrol Carb Intercept price and special deals at Amazon

Last on the list, Natrol Carb Intercept combines white kidney bean extract with chromium and calcium.

The manufacturer markets this supplement with the promise that it will block carbs and help metabolize fats to promote healthy body weight.

The supplement provides a decent dose of white kidney bean extract so it has great credentials as a carb blocker. Thanks to the inclusion of chromium, it should also be capable of controlling blood sugar levels and cravings.

Calcium is a less likely inclusion. Some studies suggest calcium supports modest improvements in metabolism and fat loss, others suggest it does not but there is no disputing its associations with strong bones and teeth.

Menopause brings hormonal changes that make women more susceptible to weak bones and osteoporosis. Because of this, there are strong arguments for upping calcium intake to help improve bone health. [7]

Are Carb Blockers Right for You?

Although there are potential benefits to using carb blockers, if you are considering using this type of supplement for weight loss, you would be better off reconsidering and trying a more versatile option such as PhenQ.

That’s not to say Carb blocking pills offer no value in this role because they do. It’s just most people who are trying to lose weight are held back by problems such as hunger and fatigue and carb blockers do not help in these areas.

Nevertheless, carb blockers work well alongside the Keto Diet, supporting its ability to provide natural weight management benefits and lean body mass.

They may also work well when incorporated into other low-carb diet plans but the main thing they do is help you to reduce calorie intake in a very specific way.

As we pointed out earlier, this type of dietary supplement is often used as a cheat pill by people who plan to pursue their present unhealthy diets and use the pills to neutralize carbohydrates.

That’s a very poor idea but a good starch blocker may offer limited value in this area too. However, when used like this, at best, they will only slightly retard weight gain. They will not prevent it from happening or help already obese people to reach a healthy weight.

Nevertheless, certain options offer value in other areas such as bone health and cholesterol control, and may be appropriate choices for these reasons.

Ultimately, the choice of whether or not to use a carb blocker is a personal one based on individual goals and needs.

What to Look For in a Good Carb Blocker Brand?

When looking to buy a good carb blocker online, it is essential to select products that are both effective and safe. Carb blockers, also known as starch blockers, are typically supplements that claim to help reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and thus potentially aid in weight loss. Here are several points to consider to ensure you’re making a well-informed purchase:

  1. Scientifically Proven Ingredients:

    • Look for carb blockers that contain ingredients with scientific backing. One of the most common and studied ingredients is white kidney bean extract (Phaseolus vulgaris), which may inhibit the enzyme alpha-amylase that breaks down carbohydrates.

  2. Dosage and Potency:

  3. Brand Reputation:

  4. Third-Party Testing:

  5. Transparency:

    • A trustworthy company should provide detailed information about their product, including a complete list of ingredients, without proprietary blends that hide the true dosage of each ingredient.

  6. Certifications:

    • Look for products that have certifications from reputable organizations, which can indicate quality manufacturing practices, such as GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certification.

  7. Safety and Side Effects:

  8. Claims and Realism:

  9. Cost and Value:

  10. Return Policy and Customer Support:

  11. Additional Benefits:

  12. Consultation with a Healthcare Provider:

By taking these points into consideration, you can make a more informed decision when purchasing a carb blocker online. Remember, supplements should be used to complement a healthy diet and lifestyle, not replace it.

Carb Blocker Supplements FAQ

  1. What are carb blockers, and how do they work?
    Carb blockers, also known as starch blockers, are supplements that aim to block the enzymes necessary for digesting certain carbohydrates, potentially reducing the calorie impact of high-carb meals.

  2. Can I buy effective carb blockers over the counter?
    Yes, carb blockers are available over the counter in many health food stores, pharmacies, and supermarkets. They are typically located in the dietary supplements aisle.

  3. Are carb-blocking supplements safe to use?
    Most carb blockers are considered safe for general use, but it’s essential to check with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are on medication.

  4. What should I look for in a carb-blocking supplement?
    Look for supplements containing scientifically-backed ingredients like white kidney bean extract, and ensure the product is from a reputable manufacturer with positive customer reviews.

  5. How do I know if a carb blocker is effective?
    Research the active ingredients and read customer reviews and testimonials. Also, look for products that provide a clear list of ingredients and dosages.

  6. Can I purchase carb blockers online?
    Carb blockers are widely available online through various retailers, including specialized health supplement stores, large e-commerce platforms, and directly from manufacturers’ websites.

  7. What’s the difference between carb blockers and other weight loss supplements?
    Carb blockers specifically target the digestion of carbohydrates to prevent their full absorption, while other weight loss supplements might focus on appetite suppression, fat burning, or metabolism boosting.

  8. Are there any side effects associated with carb blockers?
    Some individuals may experience gastrointestinal side effects such as gas or bloating. It’s important to follow the dosage instructions and start with a lower dose to assess tolerance.

  9. How quickly can I expect to see results from a carb-blocking supplement?
    Results can vary based on diet, exercise, and individual metabolism, but some users report noticing effects within a few weeks of consistent use.

  10. Do I need a prescription to buy carb-blocking supplements?
    No, carb-blocking supplements are generally sold as dietary supplements and do not require a prescription. However, consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement regimen is advisable.

Research Sources

  1. Effects of Cactus Fiber on the Excretion of Dietary Fat in Healthy Subjects: A Double Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Clinical Investigation: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4109417/

  2. Physical and Dietary Intervention with Opuntia ficus-indica (Nopal) in Women with Obesity Improves Health Condition through Gut Microbiota Adjustment: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8912383/

  3. Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats: https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/disorders-of-nutrition/overview-of-nutrition/carbohydrates,-proteins,-and-fats

  4. Berberine Decreases Intestinal GLUT2 Translocation and Reduces Intestinal Glucose Absorption in Mice: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8745600/

  5. Efficacy of Berberine Alone and in Combination for the Treatment of Hyperlipidemia: A Systematic Review: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5871262/

  6. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of a Proprietary Alpha-Amylase Inhibitor from White Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) on Weight and Fat Loss in Humans: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5920428/

  7. The Role of Calcium in Peri- And Postmenopausal Women: Consensus Opinion of the North American Menopause Society: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11256879/

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