BREAKING NEWS: Armstrong Commissioner Fabian seeks investigation into online attacks | News

KITTANNING – Armstrong County Commissioner Pat Fabian issued a statement Thursday morning, Nov. 2, related to anonymous emails and online attacks that prompted him to ask for an investigation by state police and the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office.

The following statement is was issued by Fabian. It is published in its entirety:

“Last week, I was contacted through my campaign website by someone using the email address ‘Concerned Citizens of Armstrong’ This anonymous person, describes themselves as part of a watchdog group in Kittanning, PA. I generally do not respond to anonymous emails or letters that I receive, especially emails like those that were recently created and sent to members of our community. Anonymous web attacks and misinformation have no creditability and are not worthy of my valuable time.

“This week, this anonymous ‘Concerned Citizen of Armstrong County’ sent out several blind emails making very serious, but false accusations. I question the characterization and intent of these emails being sent one week before the general election.

“I have always been transparent regarding my former business, Armstrong Indoor Athletics, LLC. I was a 33.3% partner in the organization, and Armstrong Indoor Athletics did receive an Armstrong County Small Business Interruption Grant. An independent third-party accounting firm Z/A was hired by Armstrong County and conducted the review of all grant applications in accordance with government regulations and legal compliances created by the United States Department of Treasury and Pennsylvania Act 24, 2020.

“Included in the email, an Armstrong Indoor Athletics, LLC bank ledger, was generated with banking information of reimbursements to me for equipment I purchased for the business on my personal credit card. Also, a photo of the check that the County Treasurer sent out to Armstrong Indoor Athletics, LLC for the Small Business Interruption Grant was included in the email.

“The Banking Institution and Armstrong Indoor Athletics have been notified informing them that financial records and account information have been compromised. I have been in contact with law enforcement officials at the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office and Pennsylvania State Police to investigate this matter.

“Finally, it is very disappointing to see an individual or a group of individuals stoop to these low-level political tactics.

“Our greater Armstrong County community is better than this and deserves better than this.

“What is at stake on November 7th is leadership that stands for accountability, transparency, and integrity. And, I will not stand by idly while attacks on my integrity and commitment to the citizens of Armstrong County are called into question. I simply will not do that.

“I hope that the public will be discouraged by such low-level tactics and that the voters will recognize effective and honest leadership for the future of Armstrong County.”

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