Colonial gets federal funds for ‘Return to Learn’ | The Latest from WDEL News

Colonial School District announced this week they have received a five-year, $3.6 million dollar federal grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration for a program called ‘Return to Learn.’

“It’s specifically designed to support students who have been out of school either because of behavioral or mental health issues, or both, who are returning to school following a period of absence,” said Dr. Jon Cooper, Colonial’s Health and Wellness Director.

Cooper said those students are vulnerable.

“We recognize that these students, because of their circumstances, are at elevated risk for having negative life outcomes, and possibly mental health and suicide issues,” said Cooper. “We recognize that transition for these students can be difficult, and this grant is designed to support and provide help for those kids as they come back.”

Colonial announced the grant the same day Governor John Carney was at William Penn High School signing three pieces of legislation into law focusing on mental and behavioral health, specifically for students.

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