Congress president Kharge slams Vice President Dhankhar for linking caste to mimicry incident | India News

NEW DELHI: Lashing out at Rajya Sabha chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar for linking caste to the incident of mimicry, Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge told the vice president that he is always denied the opportunity to speak in the Upper House, and if he should then claim that Dalits are being shut out of Parliament, underlining that “Dalits were always denied the opportunity”.
He advised that the chairman should not try to incite people by talking about caste in the House. Kharge was responding to Dhankhar’s claim that he was mimicked because he belongs to the Jat community.
Congress leader Sonia Gandhi accused the government of “strangulating the democracy” with large-scale suspension of opposition MPs for a reasonable demand that the home minister make a statement on the Parliament security breach. Noting that the breach was “inexcusable and cannot be justified,” she said the PM addressed the nation on the issue after four days and that too outside Parliament, reflecting his disdain for the dignity of the House. Kharge said PM Narendra Modi and home minister Amit Shah are making a “historical mistake” by not coming to the House, and demanded that they apologise.As Congress accused the “entire Modi ecosystem” of focusing on a “non issue”, AICC spokesman Jairam Ramesh said Modi was so “petty” that his farewell speech for then vice president Hamid Ansari caricatured the tall leader by his religion, and now Modi was acting hurt about a mimicry.
Rahul Gandhi dismissed Dhankhar’s claim of insult, arguing that the video he took of 141 suspended MPs sitting on dharna is on his phone while everybody from Modi to the media is talking about it. He said “there is no discussion on suspension of MPs, on Adani, on France saying that Rafale is not being investigated, on unemployment… Please show some news. Its your responsibility. How will it work if you only toe one line,” he told the reporters.
Congress MP Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury dubbed Dhankhar’s drawing of a caste link to mimicry as “terrible”, and asked if all the MPs should start moving with their caste names emblazoned on placards.

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