COP Petition Steers Fashion Toward More Fossil Fuel Use—Here’s Why.

At COP28, high on the agenda for the fashion sector is the phase-out of fossil fuels and the funding and deployment of alternatives. One such alternative is biomass. Biomass is organic matter from things grown continuously on Earth (rather than finite fossil fuels extracted from its core); including agri-waste like rice husks and straw, as well as forests grown specifically for wood chip fuel. So far, so reasonable. So why has the U.S.-based nonprofit issued a petition to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for the “immediate cessation” of biomass use in fashion? Their demand is that renewable energy, like wind and solar, must be used instead. But is this even possible (let alone probable), and if not, why not?

In fashion production, two types of energy are required: electrical (for powering sewing and other machines) and thermal (for heating water and generating steam for wet processing, like textile dyeing). Textile manufacturers (usually in Tier 2 of the supply chain) require more thermal energy than electrical energy, and in volumes that renewable energy sources simply can’t provide today. The reasons renewables fall short are mostly technical, geographical and economic. For example, electric boilers (instead of ones fed by coal, gas or biomass) are only efficient if abundant renewable electricity is available and where national grids can accommodate this added capacity and distribute it to factories. Neither of these are currently the case in developing nations, which produce most of the world’s fashion.

It’s essential to remember that each country has submitted nationally determined contributions (NDCs) for reducing global warming, and the plans of ‘developing’ countries are contingent on the richest countries providing finance to fund the ‘just transition’. This is only fair, since these rich countries (mostly OECD ones) are the largest historic emitters and the cause of today’s climate crisis. The use of biomass instead of coal is part accepted net-zero emission plans. The International Energy Agency (IEA) say that flexible transition plans, include coal-power plants being “retrofitted to co‐fire biomass” to help reduce emissions. So why is demanding that no biomass be used in fashion?

The nonprofit is demanding that on-site biomass boilers at factories be shut down (as opposed to national biomass use in coal plants), but nevertheless, its petition cites data pitting coal against wood chips in bioenergy infrastructure in Europe. It says the wood chips can emit more greenhouse gases than coal. In an example of agri-waste biomass in Asia, it references atmospheric pollutants in India from burning crop residues in open air, not boilers. It also cites the logging and burning of ancient forests in other south Asian countries for wood fuel, which clearly must stop. However, this can only be addressed with open dialogue and traceability and transparency in supply chains; as opposed to demanding a total shutdown of biomass use without any non-fossil alternatives on the table.

Biomass use will continue because the global transition away from coal is critical. Depending on the source, biomass can offer a 50-90% greenhouse gas emission saving when compared to gas, according to the UK’s Environment Agency. The Agency also stated that “recent research considered various options for replacing up to 10% of coal with biomass [and] found that the biomass component reduces GHG emissions by 88 to 97%, compared to the coal it displaces”. However, this research acknowledges that biomass doesn’t always have a lower footprint, and there is a need for local and contextual biomass feasibility research for on-site boilers to evaluate the carbon footprint reduction potential and other consequences in each specific supply chain and location.

I doubt that intends to do harm, however their secondary desk research on a topic that requires highly localised feasibility studies to evaluate the cleanest fuel options seems reckless; damaging, even.

A significant shortcoming of’s petition rationale is the absence of comparisons between gas and biomass in on-site boilers, since this a common scenario in fashion factories right now. Some countries, like Bangladesh, use no on-site coal boilers – only gas ones. STAND presents no data that compares gas to biomass. Add to this the fact that gas prices doubled ‘overnight’ just over a year ago in Bangladesh, while the unit production prices paid by fashion brands have not increased, according to manufacturers.

One manufacturer in Pakistan that I interviewed recently for a Transformers Foundation report (which I co-authored) explained that biomass is being evaluated as a fossil-fuel alternative. They said the unit price of the jeans they produce had not increased for six years, despite the rising cost of energy. If biomass is a cleaner and lower footprint alternative to coal and gas in local contexts and upon location-specific evaluation of the exact biomass source, then why shouldn’t manufacturers and brand partners be allowed to conduct this evaluation and use biomass if justified? Instead, is demanding that the UNFCCC pressure brands to tell suppliers (if they know who they are, since those using thermal energy are mostly in Tier 2) to shut down and replace their combustion boilers with electrified ones; this is akin to asking manufacturing countries to cover all available land mass in solar panels to boil kettles—and even then, they’d barely reach lukewarm.

To be clear, right now, the only viable alternative to biomass for on-site thermal energy production is coal or gas. So, blacklisting biomass pushes manufacturers back toward fossil fuels. The COP petition draws ‘apples and oranges’ comparisons that blacklist biomass universally and ignore the vast data gaps in their analysis. At a time when open-minded and objective debate must happen to find non-fossil fuel solutions, the petition might have already shut those critical discussions down.

In response to questions I emailed they claim that fashion’s use of biomass boilers is delaying a shift to greener energy sources. However, a report evaluating the potential for thermal energy electrification in fashion, and the Transformers Foundation report examining decarbonization roadblocks in the supply chain both demonstrate otherwise. The findings of both demonstrate that primarily technical and economic limitations that are curtailing progress—not biomass boilers. The reports also identify significant opportunities for efficiencies with proven return on investment (including heat pumps) that would significantly reduce emissions immediately, and where the main barrier is access to financing.

On the topic of examining brands’ efforts on decarbonization, has done excellent and valuable research within its Fossil Free Fashion Scorecard; however, supplier-led discussions and factory-level insights are needed with respect to biomass use, rather than brands’ self-reported or publicly declared data.

The greatest failure of fashion’s sustainability movement (driven chiefly by brands, retailers, and the media) is the oversimplification of nuanced challenges like whether biomass is a good alternative to fossil fuels or not. Oversimplification and misuse or absence of data repeatedly leads to flawed and colonial conclusions that are dangerously powerful and unfortunately influential. Sustainability is science—not marketing, not a bargaining chip, not fodder for the well-meaning and earnest, or for the self-righteous.

Consider this: a Tier 2 manufacturer petitioning the UNFCCC to demand that NGOs immediately cease making demands that have grave impacts on their business’s autonomy and viability, removing their agency (along with that of thousands of workers) and threatening their livelihoods. Sounds reasonable, yet it’s inconceivable.

As academic Hakan Karaosman deftly stated earlier this week during the Setting the Future symposium: “supply chains are people, not machines,” and telling expert manufacturers in Asia that they must stop what they are doing and change their business practices based on secondary desk research and tangential data does not constitute a reasonable demand, nor the obligatory ‘just transition.’ It does evoke colonialism, though. Perhaps, given the gravity of the demand, versus its possible repercussions, would consider withdrawing the petition until it has obtained first-hand data from the manufacturers its demands will fall on.

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