Dutch Royal Family rocked by Extinction Rebellion stunt as King’s speech met with protests | Royal | News

The Royal Family of the Netherlands were greeted by Extinction Rebellion protests as they appeared in public on Tuesday September 19 to mark Prince’s Day (Prinsjesdag), where the King traditionally gives his speech to begin the parliamentary year.

King Willem-Alexander, Queen Máxima and their two elder children Princess Amalia and Princess Alexia were cheered by many people when they appeared on the balcony of Noordeinde Palace in The Hague, however some noises of discontent could also be heard in the crowd.

The Dutch royals paraded through the crowd in the royal carriage, where just a few hours before a man had been arrested, while others were evacuated by police.

Prince’s Day this year coincided with a series of actions by Extinction Rebellion to protest direct subsidies to the fossil field industry, with daily campaigns taking place since September 9.

On the same day as the King’s speech, nearly 200 activists attempted to block a section of the A12 motorway.

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Prince’s Day, or Prinsjesday, is held on the third Tuesday of every September in the Netherlands, when the incumbent monarch delivers the Speech from the Throne to open the year in Parliament.

The speech contains the government’s key plans for the next year, and is also considered an occasion for the people to show their affection for the Royal Family.

The British royals are heading to Europe today, as King Charles and Queen Camilla are preparing to fly to Paris to meet with French President Emmanuel Macron on the first day of their official visit to France.

While the King and Queen are across the Channel a “ring of steel” has reportedly been enforced by French officials, due to fears of civil unrest or a terror attack.

This means that all police leave in Paris and Bordeaux, the two cities they are due to visit, has been suspended to safeguard against public disorder.

Charles and Camilla had originally been scheduled to visit the country in March, but it was postponed due to protests and rioting against the French government.

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