Gaming industry in India is booming with new career opportunities and good income: HP esports study

Gaming has become a massive part of most people’s lives now. With advancements in technology, HD graphics, and innovative gaming ideas, the gaming industry in India too is attracting new players to the esports landscape. A new HP esports study recently took a close look at the Indian gaming industry and the results are surprising. The HP esports study reveals that the gaming industry has been creating huge career opportunities for Indian gamers and that too with a higher minimum income. Know more about the study findings here.

HP India Gaming Landscape Study 2023

HP esports study on the gaming industry in India covered 3000 gamers across 15 Indian cities. The study revealed that Indian gamers are now not only gaming for fun and timepass but they are actually earning a good amount of income and recognition in the field. HP also included 500 parents’ opinions in the study which highlights the shift in their attitude towards gaming.

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In the year 2023, half of the respondents said that are even earning anything between Rs. 6 to Rs. 12 lakh per annum. Sponsorships and Esports tournaments have also created much buzz among gamers and this not only restricts them to gaming but also opens doors for influencing people on social media platforms. Furthermore, 60 percent of respondents said that they also earn from streaming their games online. Additionally, gamers also may want to try their hands at esports management sometime in the future.

With the rise in gaming, parents’ perceptions about the industry have also changed. The study revealed that over “40 percent of parents admitted that their mindset has turned positive in the last few years, mainly due to the growth of the industry.” however, there are still doubts about career stability and their children going into social isolation.

To encourage gamers in India and increase industry awareness, HP has introduced an online gaming course named “HP Gaming Garage”. It’s a free online certification course which focuses on Esports management and Game development. People can access the HP course on edX. It is available in 12 different languages which also includes English, Hindi, and more.

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