Globalizing the Curriculum: How international faculty expand course offerings – Investing Abroad News

By Ugur Guven

As the world is expanding in technology and economy, in a way it can be said that it is getting smaller. Hence, we live in a truly globalized world where people can work anywhere, get an education anywhere, and live anywhere with endless opportunities and choices.

However, in order to adapt to such an environment, it is essential to make sure that the education is also provided in a global manner with an international curriculum so that the skillset imparted to the students can be used anywhere in the world.

While student exchange programs help to create such an environment, having an international faculty available for an internationalized curriculum to be taught to the students can also be a game changer for a truly holistic and globalized education.

It must be understood that everyone has different skill sets and thus a good faculty needs to be aware of this and help the students to discover their skill sets and to expand upon them.

Usually, international faculty is a good choice for this, as they will have more advanced curriculum knowledge since they would have worked in multiple countries with exposure to different cultures and knowledge sets, which will allow them to be more flexible and helpful. In addition, exposure to different cultures and different working environments is also helpful in international faculty being able to gauge students more accurately.

International faculty can significantly expand course offerings in a university and contribute to the enrichment of education in several ways with their diverse expertise, global perspectives, interdisciplinary collaboration with other international and national faculty, presence of diversity, international networking, and global competence. In addition, international faculty can add unique insights into research that can also help shape the curriculum to become more internationally compliant with the latest research

It is also important to note that how a course is delivered depends on several criteria and no two faculty will teach the course the same regardless of delivering the same syllabus. Hence, due to the criteria outlined above, an international faculty may deploy existing courses with a fresh outlook due to their diverse expertise and global background, which may help students learn about the topic in a different way.

Moreover, international faculty members bring diverse academic and cultural backgrounds, enriching the university’s intellectual environment. They can offer courses in their areas of expertise that may not be available with local faculty. This diversification broadens the range of subjects and perspectives available to students. In addition, international faculties often bring first-hand knowledge of different education systems, cultural practices, and global issues.

This exposure helps students develop a more comprehensive understanding of the world. International faculty can promote interdisciplinary collaboration by bringing insights from their fields and experiences. This can lead to the development of new courses that bridge multiple disciplines, fostering innovation and expanding students’ horizons.

International faculty can facilitate study abroad programs, internships, and field research opportunities, helping students gain practical experience and cultural immersion. These experiences enhance students’ overall education and career prospects.

International faculty may introduce innovative research topics and methodologies that expand the university’s research portfolio. This research, in turn, can influence curriculum development and enhance the educational experience for students. Exposure to international faculty can help students develop global competence, a critical skill in today’s interconnected world. This involves understanding global issues, navigating cultural differences, and collaborating effectively on a global scale.

In summary, international faculty can enhance a university’s educational offerings by broadening the curriculum, promoting global perspectives, and facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration. Their presence contributes to a more diverse and inclusive campus, while also offering students valuable opportunities for experiential learning, research, and global networking.

Ultimately, this enriches the education and experiences of students, preparing them to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and diverse world. In fact, the European Union recognizes this and thus promotes international faculty mobility through various faculty exchange Erasmus Plus programs between Europe and Asia.

In this program faculty from European universities are funded by the EU to go and teach for a short time in other universities across the globe, and faculty from those universities in Asia, Africa, and others can also go to Europe and have a short teaching exposure to allow them to be exposed to a different teaching system, enabling them to become international faculty themselves.

(Author is Head of International Relations and HOD, Aerospace Engineering at GD Goenka University)

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