Horoscope Today, January 1, 2024: Check astrological prediction | Horoscope Today

Aries, you have been through a great deal…Taurus, remember all those times when you have longed to treat yourself…Gemini, other people are making demands which you may feel unwilling or unable to fulfil.

ARIES HOROSCOPE TODAY: Expect major changes at work

You have been through a great deal, but you still can’t tell where you’re really heading. Give yourself another week or so if you wish to wait until life has calmed down. Expect major changes at work very soon, perhaps because people around you are coming and going without warning.

TAURUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Indulge your every whim

Remember all those times when you have longed to treat yourself, but have been unable to for one reason or another. Your stars are once again perfectly placed, and over the next forty-eight hours you may indulge your every whim, responsibilities permitting.

GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: Spending plans could be revised

Other people are making demands which you may feel unwilling or unable to fulfil. You might imagine that you have been swamped by the need for urgent decisions. Over the next few days, you may realise that spending or investment plans should be completely revised and revalued.

CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: Might reassess closest relationships

A remarkable change will begin to take place over the next few days. Close partnerships are bound to be the vital factor, but the focus may be either at work, at home or even in affairs of the heart. You’ll be reassessing your closest relationships, looking anew at what you really want from other people.

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LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Take whatever rest you need

An approaching metaphorical collision between the Sun and the Moon may leave you feeling considerably the worse for wear. You may, if you wish, burn the candle at both ends and push yourself to the limit, but you must accept the consequences. My advice would be to take whatever rest and relaxation you require.

VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Stand up for yourself

The coming days will be quite important in a number of respects. Remember everything I have said over the past weeks and months about the need to be more spontaneous, creative and passionate. It is time to stand up for yourself and stop other people putting you down.

LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: Clarity of vision will be soon restored

The stars are in a challenging but friendly mood, and you may start the day in an impetuous frame of mind, determined to do what suits you whether others like it or not. It may be four or five days – or longer – before your clarity of vision is restored.

SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: No time to indulge in complaining

Others may be complaining about the state of their fortunes and the general condition of the world. However, I don’t think you have any time to indulge in that favourite complaint, grumbling. You’re the person who can point out to other people just how positive the times really are.


This is unlikely to be an easy time, but you may still have it easier than most. You may not be surprised to hear that the main area of danger is financial but, if you move cautiously, great profit is to be had. It’s all a matter of careful timing.

CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: Might be thrown off course

A mischievous planetary alignment may throw you completely off course. However, even if you do suffer a setback, once you pick yourself up you will realise that you have gained a great deal in terms of maturity and experience. Even a failure will tell you where your limits lie.

AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Happy position in life

You are in the happy position of being subject to only slight problems at a time when some people are being completely hammered. You may have one or two vague suspicions, but there’s nothing to worry about. However, if you do need reassurance, then be sure to ask for it.

PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: Set your own schedule

Time is a most precious commodity. It’s not that you have too much of it, or too little, but that you have to decide how to use it wisely. Don’t be concerned by what other people are doing, but set your own schedule. Every minute and every hour is there for your benefit.

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