How to hire remote workers

As with in-person hiring, there are strategies that can be used to find the right people to fill remote positions in an efficient manner. There’s no need to completely change the way your company hires employees. A few changes to your current process can help you adjust from in-person hiring to successful remote hiring.

Write a clear job description

You need to have a clear understanding of what you expect from the position you’re hiring for. Write a job description that clearly indicates what the individual will be doing, including that it is a remote opportunity. You will also need to indicate if the candidate will need to travel to the office or elsewhere and the percentage of travel expected. A clear job description will help you narrow down the talent pool and speed up your hiring process.

Look for candidates in the right places

There are many ways to find potential job candidates. You might use job boards, a recruiter, word of mouth, or other methods. It’s important to spread your net wide if you want a variety of diverse candidates. Some of these employee search platforms, including recruiters, can be costly. However, it is usually worth the expenditure to find the right candidate for your position.

Create a strategy for remote video interviews

Since you’re hiring remotely, your interviews will also likely take place remotely. This can be challenging. Determine what platform you will use for interviews and ensure it is user-friendly for potential candidates. Consider time zones when scheduling interviews. If your candidate is several time zones away, you will want to find a time that works best for both of you.

The questions you ask and tasks you request from the candidate can be very similar to those that you would present in a traditional, in-person interview. However, you will want to be sure they are comfortable with remote work, including interaction with your team online. Finding people who have previous remote work experience is often a good idea. In addition, your interview strategy should highlight the expectations of your position and your organization.

Respect the candidate’s time

Some of the most common problems job candidates have with remote interviews involve time. Interviewers often run late or schedule inconvenient meeting times. Interviewers may expect the applicant to lead the conversation, which can lead to a lot of silence and wasted time. To correct these problems, interviewers should respect the candidate’s time and be timely. They should also have a meeting outline ready prior to the interview.

Interview questions that you should ask all remote workers

Interview questions should focus on what you cannot easily determine from a resume or LinkedIn profile. You are trying to determine if the candidate can work well as a remote worker and if they would fit in well with your team.

You may also need to determine if the individual has specific technical knowledge, but for the most part, remote workers should be proficient at their potential jobs before accepting them. Training can be difficult for remote positions.

Here are some questions that employers should consider asking all potential remote workers:

  • What is your experience working remotely?
  • How do you tackle a big project as a remote worker?
  • Do you have a plan for growing and developing your skills as a remote worker?
  • Are there any requirements in the job description you cannot complete as a remote worker?
  • Do you anticipate any challenges as a remote worker?
  • Are you able to interact well with a team online?
  • Do you have any limitations regarding internet access or hardware?
  • Do you have any work from home productivity hacks that help you?
  • What motivates you and keeps you focused as a remote worker?
  • What resources do you use to stay on the cutting edge of business news and trends?
  • What’s your approach to remote communication and collaboration?
  • How much direction do you need to get started on a project?
  • Do you prefer active feedback from management or minimal supervision?

These questions will help you better understand the potential candidate, as well as how they will work with your team and on projects.

What to do when you’ve found a great candidate

Once you find the right person for your position, you need to make things official and welcome the remote worker to your organization. You should present them with the job opportunity in a similar fashion that you would an in-person candidate. That might mean a job offer over the phone or via email. If the position is more formal, you may also send them a letter via mail.

When they accept the offer, you will need a solid onboarding process to get them started. This should include all the traditional new hire paperwork, but in digital format. There is software that allows new hires to sign and fully execute this paperwork online. Take the time to ensure everything is processed properly. Otherwise, you could have problems with financial or governmental requirements down the road.

Remote hiring can greatly benefit a business

Not only are workers looking for remote opportunities, but many businesses are seeking remote employees as well. There are many benefits to both parties, including saving time, money, and resources. Additionally, remote hiring allows everyone to find the right job or candidate outside of their geographic area.


This story was produced by Lendio and reviewed and distributed by Stacker Media.

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