Hugging Face CEO on What Comes After Transformers — The Information

Clem Delangue‘s got some hot takes on AI, and he’s not afraid to share them.

Yesterday, the cofounder and CEO of Hugging Face, a popular large-language model repository, joined the company’s chief ethics scientist Margaret Mitchell and head of global policy Irene Solaiman to share their thoughts during a press briefing on the past year of AI and what’s coming next. The highlights included what comes after LLMs, the open-source versus closed-source debate, the influence of big tech and AI regulation. 

Delangue is someone to keep an eye on. He’s become a loud voice in the battle over whether to keep AI models private or host them in public, speaking at government-hosted events like Senator Chuck Schumer’s AI Insight Forum

Here are the most important points from the briefing.

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