ICJ latest: World court delivering interim ruling on Israel genocide case | World News

Germany will respect the International Court of Justice’s ruling on emergency measures in Gaza, a government spokesperson has said. 

The ICJ is expected to start delivering its ruling as part of the genocide case brought against Israel by South Africa shortly. 

“At this point, I would wait for the judgement and not talk about what would happen,” added the spokesperson when asked about Germany’s reaction to further consequences of the ruling.

South Africa has asked the court to issue nine requirements, including an immediate ceasefire. 

If passed, the measures could act like a restraining order while the court hears the genocide case in full, which could take years.

Israel has asked the court to reject the case outright. 

While the court’s rulings are legally binding and cannot be appealed, it has no way of enforcing them. 

Instead, the responsibility to enforce them sits with the international community. 

Historically, Israel has not followed ICJ rulings. 

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