ICT Course Lets You Ignite Your Flame and Bring Out the Light in Others

Starting Tomorrow: In this month of light and miracles, Chaya Abelsky, founder of Infiniti Coach Training (ICT) and an International Coaching Federation (ICF) Master Certified Coach, is offering a unique opportunity to enrich your inner experience and allow you to get in touch with your inner light and strength. Full Story

October 7 changed the Jewish world. Who doesn’t feel deeply pained, disturbed and even traumatized by the tragic events in Israel and the global chain reaction that is still unfolding?
Psychotherapist and holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl said, “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

We don’t control most of what affects us, but we are all faced with a choice: react or respond. Is it truly possible to make a space within ourselves and choose a brighter future? Or are we bound by our past, our circumstances and our subconscious beliefs? The month of Kislev offers the answer: a little light, increased each day, dispels so much darkness. “Light is awareness, and life is about learning,” says Chaya Abelsky, founder of Infiniti Coach Training (ICT) and an International Coaching Federation (ICF) Master Certified Coach. “Empowering clients and students with the awareness it takes to choose new responses is at the heart of my work.”

“Now more than ever, we need a trauma-informed model that takes into account our life experiences and the beliefs and behaviors that arise from trauma. Trauma-informed coaching empowers individuals to overcome the trauma imprint, achieve personal growth, and lead more fulfilling lives. I’m constantly refining our Coach Training courses to incorporate the latest thinking from neuroscience and psychology because we are in the business of change.”

“Every experience in life has the potential to be a teacher or a lesson. Appreciative Inquiry demonstrates how to reframe challenges and obstacles as opportunities. When we begin to approach setbacks from the vantage point of strength and confidence, we discover the inherent and intended lessons within every challenge we face. We also explore the power of silence in conversation and unleash the infinite possibilities hidden in the quiet moments of reflection that precede speech.”

In this month of light and miracles, Chaya is offering a unique opportunity to enrich your inner experience and allow you to get in touch with your inner light and strength. Hundreds of graduates of Infiniti Coach Training have gone on to create successful coaching businesses catering to executives, teams, organizations or individuals, all based on empowering their clients to make the changes they choose – and to sustain those changes.

“I’m really excited to be welcoming our 21st cohort next month and to introduce them to practical, actionable tools and training that have real, measurable impact. No one leaves our program unchanged,” she says. ICT was the first accredited course bringing coach training to the religious community, and is now offering ICF Level 2.

The qualification allows you to create your own successful and profitable business, bring coaching into your job, earn higher level positions, create curricula on emotional intelligence at the middle and high school level, improve sales and rise to VP level. It will also improve your relationships as you learn effective communication tools and increase your emotional intelligence.

ICT is certified by the gold standard in coaching, the International Coach Federation (ICF), and ICT students can always participate in future cohorts at no cost as well as teach back in their field of expertise.

Ready for a change? Try the first two classes free! Email [email protected] or call 917.328.7273 for more information so you can choose the life you want.


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