Kwesi Adofo Mensah: “Certainly my intention” to bring Kirk Cousins back

Quarterback Kirk Cousins will hit the open market as a free agent in March if the Vikings don’t sign him to a new contract and General Manager Kwesi Adofo-Mensah discussed the team’s plans on that front during a Wednesday press conference.

Cousins was off to a great start in 2023 with 2,331 yards and 18 passing touchdowns before he tore his Achilles in the Vikings’ eighth game of the season and Adofo-Mensah said on Wednesday that he is heading into the offseason hoping “to find a place in the middle” in talks with Cousins about extending his stay in Minnesota.

“Yeah. I’ve been pretty consistent with that. Kirk the player is somebody that, as we saw what he does to this team, I thought we were playing really good football before he got injured. It’s the most important position in sports,” Adofo-Mensah said, via Jeff Wald of Fox 9. “It ultimately always comes down to can you find an agreement that works for both sides and all those things, but as a player it’s certainly my intention to have him back here.”

Cousins said recently that winning football games is his top priority when he signs his next contract and said that he’s not going to “try to sell myself” to teams. Cousins won’t have to sell himself to a Vikings team that fell short of the playoffs after cycling through three other starting quarterbacks, but it remains to be seen if the other pieces will all fall into place.

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