Latest Breaking News: Top Trending News of Today

UrduPoint – Digital Urdu Channel for Breaking News

The advancement in technology has transformed our world into a global village. We are more connected to our mobile phones than anything else. So what could be a better medium for information dissemination than mobile phones? Our fast-paced lifestyles demand us to access news digitally and swiftly. We do not have enough time to go through printed newspapers in order to read the remaining sections of headlines. That’s where UrduPoint comes in handy. UrduPoint’s digital platform contains a wide variety of news sections in Urdu News, which include the following:

  • Showbiz News
  • Technology News
  • International News
  • Health News
  • Trade News
  • Sports News
  • Politics News and a lot more.

Latest Top Trending Urdu News

UrduPoint takes pride in providing Real Time Breaking News in Urdu, because we believe in the ideology that our language has the capability to unite dispersed sections in Pakistan. As Urdu is widely understood among various provinces and regions in Pakistan, so it acts a perfect medium to drop Top Trending News. In a public address, our very own Quaid-e-Azam and Secretary-General of the time stated the importance of Urdu in the following words,

“Let me make it very clear that Urdu will be the state language of Pakistan. Without one language, a nation cannot be unified and function as a whole. So, as far as the language is concerned, Urdu will be Pakistan’s language.”

Latest Breaking Urdu News

Our reporters and journalists work day and night to deliver the most authentic Breaking Urdu News. Unlike other news channels our publications, our voice is not biased. We do not publish any news piece just to grab a few more eyeballs. UrduPoint is credible and every Breaking News is verified before publishing. UrduPoint is one of the pioneers of digitally accessed Urdu News, serving the nation for more than 20 years.

Keeping up with the progressing times, UrduPoint is also operational on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. The YouTube Channel of UrduPoint features all sorts of videos on health, education, and viral information. It has almost 2.1 million active subscribers.

Q. When was UrduPoint established?

Urdupoint was established in 2000. So, it has been catering the needs of masses for almost 20 years.

Q. How is UrduPoint different from other digital Urdu platforms?

Other media platforms are always strangled in a rat race to get more viewership, even by manipulating news. UrduPoint abstains from such tactics and stays out of competition. The entire team works really hard to deliver realistic and valid news.

Q. What are the different sections on UrduPoint?

UrduPoint features domestic, regional, national and international news, views, columns, trends, weather, sports, health, politics, showbiz, recipes and what not. Besides Urdu News, you can find mobile prices, market trends, horoscopes, religion, technology, flights’ schedules, poetry and humorous articles. There are specialized sections for women and children as well.

Q. Can I watch videos on UrduPoint?

Yes, UrduPoint has a YouTube channel named It features all sorts of videos on health, education, and viral information. It has almost 2 million plus active subscribers. The videos are funny and interesting and are sure to make you glued to your screens.

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