Live Blackpool news with traffic, travel and other updates on Monday, November 13

This storm will bring a period of very strong winds across north Cheshire, Lancashire and southern Cumbria in particular including the M62 and A628 trans-Pennine routes.

Winds within this area will widely gust 50-60 mph with 60-70 mph gusts on routes to the west of the M6 and over the Pennines with occasional outbreaks of heavy rain exacerbating the difficult driving conditions.

Drivers of high sided vehicles, motorbikes and other vulnerable vehicles are advised to take extra care due to the risk of being blown over. The winds across the south of Cheshire and north Cumbria (as well as outside the North West region) will also be strong with winds 40-50 mph widely. Winds will slowly ease from the west from mid-afternoon, but will remain strong in to the evening.

Stephen Basterfield, National Network Manager at National Highways, said: “Gales and high winds can happen all year round, but most often occur during storms, and are even more prevalent during the autumn and winter seasons and early spring.

“It is therefore always important to plan ahead for your journey, and if weather conditions become challenging, adjust your driving behaviour and take extra care.

“We have a section of our website dedicated to travelling amid storms, high winds and gales, and considerations for different types of vehicle, as part of our guide to travelling in severe weather. It’s also a good idea for people to check their vehicles, such as tyres, coolant and oil levels, before heading out to reduce the risk of breakdowns.”

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