NASA shares breathtaking image of aurora taken from space station | Technology News

NASA shared this incredible image of an aurora taken from the International Space Station.

Image of aurora taken from spaceThis image was taken as the International Space Station was soaring above the state of Utah in the United States. (NASA / Instagram)

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The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) on Tuesday shared a remarkably beautiful image of an aurora taken from the International Space Station as it flew above the American state of Utah.

As you may already know, auroras are ribbons of light that weave across our planet’s polar regions. The brilliant light show happens when charged particles from the Sun collide with the upper reaches of the Earth’s atmosphere. The Earth’s magnetic field steers most of the particles towards the planet, which is why most auroras happen near the pole.


Very few people get to see the stunning view that NASA shared since you will need to be on the space station for that. On Earth, the best places to view this stunning natural phenomenon would be locations like Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and other places. If you are in the southern hemisphere, Tasmania in Australia and parts of New Zealand are great for viewing auroras.

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First published on: 09-11-2023 at 12:51 IST

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