Newcastle United evening headlines as Lewis Hall deal confirmed amid Bruno’s angry tweet

Here are your Newcastle United evening headlines on Tuesday, August 22.

Bruno a victim of his own success as angry tweet shows Newcastle hero is in unfamiliar territory

As Newcastle United and Everton battled it out on a cold February evening in 2022, Bruno Guimaraes emerged from the Magpies bench for the very first time. “Bruno, Bruno, Bruno!” was the immediate chant from each of the four St James’ Park corners as the Brazilian warmed up on the touchline, waving to his new subjects.

Many of the supporters singing his name that day had never seen him kick a ball before. Guimaraes, plucked from Lyon by Newcastle’s trusted team of scouts, had made his name in Brazil and France but was still relatively unknown by many moderate football fans on these shores.

Little did Newcastle fans know that night but they were chanting the name of a player who would soon ascend to almost untouchable status in black and white. After waiting six matches for his first start, Bruno soon made sure Howe had no choice but to use him from the outset each week with stellar performances, fitting of a player who had been in the Premier League for six years as opposed to six weeks.

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Fast forward to present day, after 18 months of unadulterated infatuation between both parties, and Guimaraes has finally experienced his first, small, run in with Newcastle supporters as he aimed an explosive tweet at a fan account on Tuesday. “Is it too early in the season to start focusing blame onto individual players? Was there an overreaction to the loss to Man City?” the fan group asked, with a photo of Guimaraes, Miguel Almiron, Joelinton and Dan Burn attached to the tweet.

“Is this serious?” the Brazilian responded. “We are in Champions League football we lost against maybe one of the best teams in the world and we have a big win and lost one game! Support in the best moment is easy! Short stupid memories you all have look what we have done for the team this 1 year and half.”

Read the full story, here.

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