Politics news latest: Tories told to be ready for election from January; ‘more unwelcome headlines’ on migration | Politics News

Group of Tory MPs says high migration ’caused directly by policy decisions of this government’

Reaction is continuing to come in to the latest figures on net migration to the UK.

In the year to December 2022, it was higher than previously thought, hitting a new record of 745,000, according to revised estimates from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

However, the figure for the year to June 2023 is estimated to be slightly lower, at 672,000.

The New Conservatives – a group of right-wing Tory MPs – has just issued a furious statement in response to the figures, blaming the government for the high level of migration.

They say Tory MPs were elected in 2019 on a pledge to reduce migration, and say polls clearly show the public supports “tough measures”.

Taken from July 2019, a few months before the last general election, to June 2023 total estimated UK net migration stands at 1,611,000.

That total reflects net arrivals of 1,829,000 people from outside the EU, and net departures of 81,000 EU citizens and 137,000 British citizens.

The New Conservatives say they have frequently warned the government was “failing to make adequate progress on our promise”, and that their proposals to bring numbers down have been “largely ignored”.

The statement continues: “Today, we see the result of these conscious decisions by government.

They add: “We cannot blame exceptional circumstances; this is a consistent trend. It has been caused directly by the policy decisions of this government. And it has gone on for far too long.”

The group of Tory MPs say that although there may be economic arguments for increasing immigration, “the truth is the public won’t accept it”, adding that voters can tell the difference between economic growth and their own living standards.

They go on say that migration is “do or die” for the Conservative Party and add: “We don’t believe that such promises can be ignored.”

“The government must propose, today, a comprehensive package of measures to meet the manifesto promise by the time of the next election.”

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