Researchers 3D printed and deployed a communication satellite in 90 min

When an emergency strikes, establishing telecommunications in the area is a primary hurdle rescue workers face. Now, researchers at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) in Spain have devised a simple solution using 3D printing that can begin establishing telecommunications in as little as 90 minutes, a university press release said.

Broadband internet is so ubiquitous these days that one does not realize its importance until it becomes unavailable. From work to entertainment or staying in touch with family and friends, works on the backbone of high-speed internet delivered through a cable or wirelessly these days.

The seamless connectivity hits a major bump when an emergency, whether natural or manufactured, strikes. In recent history, the volcanic eruptions in Tonga and the Russian aggression in Ukraine left the locals scampering for basic connectivity until Elon Musk’s Starlink stepped in to provide it using its constellation of satellites.

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