Gâteau au yaourt: The French cake anyone can make

Gâteau au yaourt: The French cake anyone can make

With a muted sweetness balanced by the yoghurt’s welcome tang, “it’s just enough to make it a dessert, but not so much that it feels like it needs to be a special occasion.” Indeed, birthdays and Sunday lunches in France are more often concluded with the wares of pro pâtissiers, architectural marvels of ganache, syrup … Read more

Luxury travel trends: airlines’ luxury brand partnerships

Luxury travel trends: airlines’ luxury brand partnerships

Budget flights have made holidays accessible to many, but at the other end of the spectrum collaborations between airlines and luxury brands are gaining ground as a way to ensure luxury travel experiences remain a coveted status symbol. By integrating and flaunting the expertise of other luxury brands that align with their overall identity, airlines … Read more