Asteroid watch: Building-sized asteroid set to pass Earth today by close margin, reveals NASA

Asteroid watch: Building-sized asteroid set to pass Earth today by close margin, reveals NASA

NASA says as many as four asteroids passed Earth yesterday and all of them did so by close distances. The biggest of them was Asteroid 2024 BD7 which had a width of almost 140 feet, making it almost as big as an aircraft. Now, the US Space Agency has revealed that just one asteroid has … Read more

Statue of Unity-sized asteroid to pass Earth today, reveals NASA

Statue of Unity-sized asteroid to pass Earth today, reveals NASA

There have been several close calls with asteroids in history. But did you know that not all asteroids have the same composition? According to NASA, the three primary classifications of asteroids are C-type, S-type, and M-type. C-type asteroids, which are composed primarily of carbon-rich substances, are the most frequent. S-type asteroids, which are made up … Read more