America, France and the free market | News, Sports, Jobs

America, France and the free market | News, Sports, Jobs

WASHINGTON — It’s fashionable to claim that the free-market ideas of Nobel-laureate economist Milton Friedman have failed the country, and that it’s time for new policies. Campaigning in 2020, Joe Biden declared that “Milton Friedman isn’t running the show anymore.” More recently, New York Times columnist David Leonhardt noted that people like Friedman promised that … Read more

Look Back: Theaters are start of the show | News, Sports, Jobs

Look Back: Theaters are start of the show | News, Sports, Jobs

LYRIC – New Moving Picture Theatre Opened Last Evening The opening of the Lyric Theatre, Parkersburg’s new place of popular amusement, was marked last evening by a total attendance of a record-breaking character. Six performances were given, with full houses every time, and many obliged to stay out, although they would gladly have taken their … Read more

Guest column/Could a winter storm topple America’s electric grid? | News, Sports, Jobs

Guest column/Could a winter storm topple America’s electric grid? | News, Sports, Jobs

Here’s some unwelcome deja vu. According to the organization that oversees the reliability of America’s power grid, much of the country could face blackouts again this winter. Warnings of winter blackouts are becoming a seasonal fixture. Texas experienced a devastating power outage in February 2021. And a bitter cold snap last Christmas forced utilities to … Read more

Leaders develop teams for success | News, Sports, Jobs

Leaders develop teams for success | News, Sports, Jobs

Lynnda is continuing to heal and get stronger. We see the oncologist in late November to discuss radiation therapy which is typical after a lumpectomy. Before her surgery we were invited by the President of the Virginia Manufacturers Association to its annual gala in Williamsburg, Va. It was a fun black-tie event. Lynnda was happy … Read more

Guest column/Ohio tourism important | News, Sports, Jobs

Guest column/Ohio tourism important | News, Sports, Jobs

In 2022, Ohio’s tourism industry generated $53 billion in visitor spending, the state’s highest ever. Even with this record-setting year, we need to continue to grow this industry due to Ohio’s robust economic growth setting it on pace to have more jobs than people in the state to fill them. Investing and putting focus on … Read more

Backyard Gardener: Swiss chard for the fall garden | News, Sports, Jobs

Backyard Gardener: Swiss chard for the fall garden | News, Sports, Jobs

(Photo Illustration/MetroCreative) Hello Mid-Ohio Valley farmers and gardeners! September is almost gone. Cooler temperature are now the norm as the leaves turn color and yes, the first frost of the year looms on the horizon. As the harvest continues, remember fall is a great time to test your soil in the garden, lawn, or in … Read more

West Virginia business summit focusing on growth | News, Sports, Jobs

West Virginia business summit focusing on growth | News, Sports, Jobs

When the 87th Annual Meeting and Business Summit of the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce convenes next week, business, education, healthcare, finance, political and community leaders from throughout our state will gather to discuss our recent successes and seek solutions for pressing West Virginia needs. The roots of this annual gathering are deep and strong. … Read more