Research provides new hope for expectant mothers suffering from gestational diabetes

Research provides new hope for expectant mothers suffering from gestational diabetes

Researchers at University of Galway have taken a significant step forward in the management of gestational diabetes mellitus after a clinical trial involving pregnant women provided new hope for expectant mothers suffering the condition. The findings from the trial are being published in JAMA: the Journal of American Medical Association. Gestational diabetes is a global … Read more

Early feeding practices key to shaping lifelong oral microbiome

Early feeding practices key to shaping lifelong oral microbiome

A recent review published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology explores how the oral microbiome develops in infants, focusing on various factors such as early nutrition and environment. Since the condition of the oral microbiome has implications for the child’s well-being throughout life, scientists can use this research to develop more effective health guidelines. The … Read more

Occupational exposure to reinforced concrete production is associated with adverse respiratory health

Occupational exposure to reinforced concrete production is associated with adverse respiratory health

In a recent study published in BMC Public Health, researchers investigated the exposure to fine particulate matter (PM) in reinforced concrete production environments and its impact on respiratory health and lung function among industry workers.  Study: Occupational exposure to fine particulate matter in the reinforced concrete production and its association with respiratory symptoms and lung function. … Read more

Review examines how underage youth access e-cigarettes despite age sales restriction laws

Review examines how underage youth access e-cigarettes despite age sales restriction laws

In a recent study published in BMC Public Health, researchers reported ways in which underage adolescents acquire electronic cigarettes (ECs) in nations with minimum age sales regulations (or where sales are prohibited). Study: How do underage youth access e-cigarettes in settings with minimum age sales restriction laws? A scoping review. Image Credit: Tikhonova Yana/ Despite … Read more

Positivefeedback can help increase mutual appreciation among healthcare workers

Positivefeedback can help increase mutual appreciation among healthcare workers

Healthcare organizations, in reviewing care delivery opportunities and providing feedback to staff, often focus on what went wrong, but a new study suggests that reversing this perspective may help organizations improve their work culture by understanding what went right. A team of Mass General Brigham researchers analyzed peer-to-peer positive feedback, systematically collected when caring for … Read more

Mixtures of bacteria in day care facilities linked to wheezing in young children

Mixtures of bacteria in day care facilities linked to wheezing in young children

Particular combinations of bacteria found in dust at day care facilities have been linked to wheezing in young children in a study presented at the European Respiratory Society International Congress in Milan, Italy. Wheezing in young children is often an early sign of asthma. Children may spend many hours in day care each week and … Read more

Decongestant in Cold Medicines Found Ineffective – WSJ – The Wall Street Journal

Decongestant in Cold Medicines Found Ineffective – WSJ – The Wall Street Journal

Decongestant in Cold Medicines Found Ineffective – WSJ  The Wall Street Journal Source link

Urban living linked to increased risk of respiratory infections in young children

Urban living linked to increased risk of respiratory infections in young children

Young children growing up in towns and cities suffer from more respiratory infections than those who grow up in the countryside, according to research presented at the European Respiratory Society International Congress in Milan, Italy. A second study, presented at the Congress and published in Pediatric Pulmonology today (Monday), shows that factors such as attending … Read more

Pregnant women living in polluted areas more likely to have smaller babies, study finds

Pregnant women living in polluted areas more likely to have smaller babies, study finds

Women exposed to air pollution give birth to smaller babies, according to research that will be presented at the European Respiratory Society International Congress in Milan, Italy. The research also shows that women living in greener areas give birth to bigger babies and this may help counteract the effects of pollution. There is a strong … Read more

Vaping e-cigarettes can be as harmful to gum and oral health as smoking traditional cigarettes

Vaping e-cigarettes can be as harmful to gum and oral health as smoking traditional cigarettes

For years, it has been known that smoking can contribute to serious damage on gum and oral health, with smokers having more gum diseases, more tooth loss, and increased levels of oral cancer. It has also been known that gum disease can play a negative role on systemic health, e.g., it is implicated in diabetes, … Read more