The world’s best tourism villages in 2023

The world’s best tourism villages in 2023

Douma, Lebanon  Traditional stone houses with red-tiled roofs, views of the surrounding Batroun Mountains, centuries-old churches and a recently restored souk: the village of Douma, located about 80km north-east of Beirut, is nothing if not picturesque.  “My first impression was the beauty of the village,” said Rana Tanissa, a Lebanese archaeologist and rural tourism consultant … Read more

Is this the summer of bad tourists?

Is this the summer of bad tourists?

From Pompeii to the Egyptian pyramids, some of the world’s most famous man-made wonders are scarred with millennia-old graffiti etched into their walls by ancient sightseers. It’s no secret that many of the world’s “greatest” travellers – like Christopher Columbus and Hernan Cortes – were among its worst. And according to Lauren A Siegel, a … Read more