‘Tekken 8’ Demo and Epic Games Store Giveaway

Gaming Updates: ‘Tekken 8’ Demo, Epic Games Store Giveaway, and More

In the realm of virtual reality, the gaming community has been showered with an array of enticing updates and events. The most noteworthy being the release of the demo version of ‘Tekken 8’, a highly anticipated fighting game. Bandai Namco, the developers behind the game, have made the demo available for PC and Xbox Series X/S users. Weighing 28 GB, the demo offers players a taste of the first chapter of Story Mode, aptly titled ‘The Dark Awakens’, and the inaugural chapter of Arcade Quest. Players will have the chance to play as one of four characters: Jin, Kazuya, Paul, or Nina. The full version of ‘Tekken 8’ is set to be released on January 26, 2024, for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

Epic Games Store’s Generous Giveaway

Meanwhile, Epic Games Store stirred excitement among gamers with the announcement of a 24-hour giveaway of the popular game ‘The Outer Worlds’. This move is seen as a generous gesture from the platform, encouraging more gamers to explore the dystopian first-person shooter game.

Updates for ‘Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising’

Further in the gaming news, details about updates for ‘Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising’ have been shared, revealing a roadmap for the characters planned for release in 2024. Among the new additions are the anticipated characters Lucilius and 2B, expected to add new dynamics to the gameplay.

VALORANT Champions Tour 2023: China Ascension

On the e-sports front, the VALORANT Champions Tour 2023, China Ascension, has been making headlines. The outcomes of certain matches have drawn attention, with fans and players alike keeping a close eye on the tournament’s progress.

Thai Language Mods for ‘Coral Island’ and ‘Dave The Diver’

Lastly, in a nod to the global reach of gaming, the text touches on a Thai language mod for the game ‘Coral Island’. This, along with other mods, has been gathered by the ModSubThai Steam group for the convenience of Thai players. In addition, the BlackChick Community fan page has released a Thai language mod for the underwater adventure game ‘Dave The Diver’.

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