Three Sydney researchers win NSW Premier’s Prizes for Science and Engineering

Dr Chang Xu.

Dr Chang Xu.

Artificial intelligence sits at the forefront of innovation. However, the environmental impact of AI is large, and obtaining state-of-the-art AI models produces the equivalent of an average car’s five-year emissions.

Dr Chang Xu is committed to reducing the environmental footprint of AI by developing new ways to build next-generation systems that are efficient and accessible. He does this by engaging in Green AI, a model that involves designing algorithms and systems that are efficient and environmentally friendly.

Dr Xu’s work has achieved global commercial success. Notably, Huawei used his work in their earphones, FreeBuds, to reduce energy costs while improving battery life and audio quality. 

“Chang’s expertise in AI and deep learning is internationally recognised as transformative, tackling complex problems and fast-tracking solutions to benefit end-users in real-world applications. His work has been hugely beneficial to SMEs, increasing efficiency and providing them with a competitive edge,” Professor Johnston said.

Dr Xu’s contributions were previously recognised by the University when he received the University of Sydney Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Early Career Research in 2022. His impressive collection of publications and citations places his work in the top three per cent in his field.

Dr Xu is a Senior Lecturer in Machine Learning and Computer Vision at the School of Computer Science. He has secured funding as an ARC Future Fellowship, a Discovery Early Career Researcher Award Fellowship and Discovery Project as the sole Chief Investigator.

Leadership in Innovation in NSW  

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