Ujjayanta Palace in Agartala to be transformed into a weekend tourism hub,

Ujjayanta Palace in Agartala to be transformed into a weekend tourism hub

In a recent development, Tripura’s Chief Minister Manik Saha is all set to inaugurate a weekend tourism hub at the famous Ujjayanta Palace which is located in the state capital, Agartala. The whole region where the palace stands will be declared a no-traffic zone on every Saturday and Sunday. The measure is being taken to promote tourism in the northeastern state of Tripura. Declaring Ujjayanta Palace a tourism hub is one of the prime steps.

About Ujjayanta Palace

Ujjayanta Palace in Agartala has a royal legacy as it is named by the famous India Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore who was a regular visitor here. The palace is an architectural marvel and is known for its exquisite doors and pretty tiled floors. The wooden ceilings are a work of art and tells a lot about the skills of artisans.
Today, the palace has been converted into a museum and each corridor of the palace leads you to the rich history of the region. There’s an amazing collection of artifacts, which reflects the lifestyle, arts, and crafts of Northeast India.

Ujjayanta Palace in Agartala to be transformed into a weekend tourism hub

This three-storeyed palace has been attracting history and culture lovers from all over the world for a long time now. This 20th century palace was constructed by Maharaja Radha Kishore Manikya of the Manikya dynasty between 1899 and 1901.

In 1972, the palace was taken over by the Tripura government. Today, the government is taking all the measures to transform it into a tourism hub. A 20-minute light and sound show has been announced in the palace every weekend to attract tourists. Not only this, the place will also see vendors with their food stalls selling local cuisine to the visitors.

If you haven’t yet seen the grand mansion, then it’s high time that you go explore this stunning palace!

  1. Where is Ujjayanta Palace located?
    The palace is set in the capital city of Tripura, Agartala.
  2. Who was the regular visitor here?
    Rabindra Nath Tagore
  3. Who is the chief minister of Tripura?
    Manik Saha is the present CM of Tripura.

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