Well-Balanced Diet: Nutrient-Rich Meals Suiting Various Dietary Requirements

Along with a healthy diet and physical activity, one can have a holistic approach towards a healthy lifestyle.

A balanced diet provides nutrients in amount and proportions required according to age, gender, activity level, and physiological conditions. A balanced diet is needed in the individual’s physical, mental, and emotional development. To complete dietary requirements for all stages, a fad diet might be a shortcut, but can be fatal. Dt. Priyanka Sharma, a senior clinical nutritionist at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh,shares that fad diets like keto, paleo, intermittent fasting, or introducing cleanse juices, etc., might not be enough to complete the required energy, proteins, or any other dietary requirement.

  1. 6-12 months of age: From 6 months, pureed food should be given and not in liquid form. Sugar and salt should be avoided. One kind of food should be given at a time. Juices and sweetened drinks should be avoided. Iron and zinc-rich foods should be provided for their development.
  2. Teenage: In this life stage, extra energy is required for growth and physical needs. The food given to such age groups should have whole grains, cereals, fruits, legumes, vegetables, and nuts. They should be encouraged to consume milk and milk products for calcium intake.
  3. Adults: Changing lifestyle in this stage can cause a change in dietary habits, which is unsuitable for health. They should reduce the amount of extra salt and fats. Alcohol and smoking should be avoided entirely. Physical activity is another aspect which should be given attention. Adults are generally used to Skipping or avoiding meals due to work pressure. But they should focus on their body’s health and eat a wholesome and protein-rich diet.
  4. Pregnancy: People advise pregnant ladies to start eating for two at this stage. But generally, this is a wrong phase. In pregnancy, fad diets and eating for two should not be encouraged. Wholesome cereals, enough protein, folate, iron, vitamin B12, and iodine should also be focused as they help in fetal development.
  5. Old age: Older adults generally eat less in this life stage and prefer simple, easily digestible food. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts and seeds, low-fat dairy foods, and eggs should be given as they are nutrient-dense. High-fiber foods should be part of meals as they help in bowel health.


In every life stage, all seasonal fruits and vegetables, wholesome cereals, pulses, and plenty of fluids should be taken care of daily life. Consumption of packaged foods can lead to lifestyle disorders, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, etc. So, along with a healthy diet and physical activity, one can have a holistic approach towards a healthy lifestyle.

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