What does a low-fat, low-carb diet consist of? | Lifestyles

DEAR DR. ROACH: I’m a healthy 75-year-old male. I’m a bit frustrated after seeing my regular doctor for a checkup and receiving a call from his medical assistant that he is suggesting a low-fat, low-carb diet. I asked for more specific diet suggestions, as I admit I am nutritionally ignorant (my late wife always bought groceries and prepared meals for us). Other than beef and bread, I’m not even sure what a carbohydrate is.

My LDL cholesterol is 152 mg/dL, my triglyceride levels are 256 mg/dL, and my A1C level is 5.8 percent. Ever since I was in my 20s, my A1C has been 5.6 percent or more in spite of the fact that I am very active and quite thin, and I do not eat desserts or add sugar to coffee, tea or cereals. I do suffer with severe neuropathy, but I simply work through that each day, as sitting isn’t part of my nature.

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