WSU Tri-Cities Coding Cougs win collegiate hackathon | News

RICHLAND, Wash.- Student-led WSU Tri-Cities club takes first place in college hackathon. 

The Coding Cougs is a student-led club on the WSU Tri-Cities campus. This club focuses on career development and coding events. 

The DubHacks collegiate hackathon is an event hosted at the University of Washington. 

The Coding Cougs competed against 741 individuals and 177 projects over the course of two days. 

Teams are given 28 hours to brainstorm and build a project through computer coding and programming. Teams can choose to compete in one of four tracks, synergy vitality disruption and T-Mobile.

The Coding Cougs chose to compete in the T-Mobile track by creating a project titled “RealmDialer”. This project created an in-game item for Minecraft that allows players to make outgoing phone calls from in the game. 

The project used the T-Mobile “Your Number Anywhere” feature. 

The team was made up of four WSU Tri-Cities students, Christian Penick, James Thomas Brittain, Dietrich Zacher, and Danyil Kovalchuk. 

“We want to express our sincere gratitude for the support in making our journey to DubHacks 2023 possible. The event enabled students from diverse majors, including Computer Science, Digital Technology and Culture, Biology, and Business, to gain valuable resume-building experiences. We are eager to continue this tradition and encourage more students to participate,” said Reem Osman, president of Coding Cougs.

The WSU Tri-Cities website has more information about the Coding Cougs

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