14 Of The Unhealthiest Lean Cuisine Frozen Meals

With a visually appealing box that has a picture of vibrant green broccoli, hearty mushrooms, and protein-rich steak, it’s difficult at first glance to see why the Steak Portabella is unhealthy. And it’s fair to say that it does have a few benefits going for it. The meal has only 190 calories, and while that may not be particularly filling, this can be appealing to folks looking for a lower-calorie option. Additionally, the Lean Cuisine Steak Portabella only has 10 grams of carbs which, again, may be useful for individuals on a low-carb diet plan.

However, it’s the sodium content that really raises eyebrows. There are almost 800 milligrams of sodium in a comparatively small amount of food, covering roughly a third of your recommended daily value. Sodium is, of course, important for providing taste to foods, as well as helping our bodies and their nervous and muscular systems operate properly (per the Harvard School of Public Health). But excessive amounts of sodium can put strain on your cardiovascular system, and lead to high blood pressure, with potential knock-on effects like stroke. It’s also worth noting that while this meal advertises itself as a “good source of protein,” it provides 14 grams. That’s not a tiny amount, but you could reasonably expect more in a low-carb meal like this. ‌

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