$25 flight deals for students to be offered by Amazon for holiday travel

Amazon has unveiled a new initiative to ease the financial burden of holiday travel for students, particularly those enrolled in Prime Student, according to a press release. In collaboration with StudentUniverse, Amazon is offering Prime Student members exclusive access to $25 domestic flights, enabling them to reach their homes in time for seasonal celebrations with loved ones.

The holiday season often presents a challenge for college students facing budget constraints, exacerbated by surging travel costs. A StudentUniverse study revealed that 76% of full-time students aged 18-25 identify financial concerns as their primary worry when it comes to holiday travel. To address this, StudentUniverse and Amazon are joining forces to provide Prime Students with affordable $25 flights for the festive season, allowing them to focus on enjoying quality time with family and friends.

While Prime Student members reportedly already benefit from discounted travel through StudentUniverse, this marks the first time they can secure $25 flights specifically for holiday travel. To seize this opportunity, Prime Student members can visit https://www.studentuniverse.com/amazon-prime-student from Dec. 5 at 6 a.m. PT to Dec. 7 at 12 a.m. PT. Each day, a thousand $25 tickets will be available for purchase, applicable for domestic flights scheduled between Dec. 8, 2023, and Dec. 25, 2023, with return flights (if applicable) permitted between Dec. 8, 2023, and Jan. 14, 2024.

Once those 3,000 tickets are claimed, StudentUniverse will run a trailing promotional offer, which will give members $25 off flights with a promotional code, according to the website. 

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