3 Zodiac Signs May Have A Rough Day In Love On December 3, 2023

December 3 presents us with an opportunity to grow … the hard way, and that’s what makes it a hard day for three zodiac signs. 

What we have working with us, and not necessarily against us, is the transit of Venus square Pluto.

This is a tricky aspect because it deals with love and reluctance. Pluto’s power is all about transformation, and we may find that WE are being asked to change … for love.

Three zodiac signs will be called to the task during the Venus square Pluto transit. It’s a worthy task to take up, and we should jump at the chance, as what’s happening is that we have good relationships right now … but something about their dynamic needs an upgrade, a chance, something transformative and positive.

This is all very doable and hopefully, we’ll be open to the idea that it’s good to accept change and even better to work on ourselves for the sake of it.

Venus square Pluto shows us that nothing is hopeless but that work is needed if we are to achieve something successful.

So, if we are smart and capable of seeing ourselves as ‘seeds of potential,’ then we will be able to use this energy to our benefit by making changes on December 3, 2023.

Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on December 3, 2023:

1. Cancer 

(June 21 – July 22)

You have always been sensitive to the needs of your romantic partner, and you’ve never had a problem trying new things out for their sake. On this day, you may find that your partner asks something of us that you might, at first, find offensive. Not because it’s an awful thing but because it challenges you and asks you to change … for them. You might have thought that you were ‘perfect’ as is, and so this request surprises you.

However, during the transit of Venus square Pluto on December 3, 2023, you will see this as something you can work with.

You’ve come to realize that being in a relationship is all about compromise, whether both parties like it or not. However, compromise is what makes it work. That’s what you want: for it to all work out and last. You aren’t in this to lose; you’re here to win it.

So, you will work with the powers that come along with Venus square Pluto in an effort to accept that you need to change … and not just because your partner has asked for this change on a whim.

You see that this not only means a lot to them but that it’s something you actually could use in your life. Taking this seriously may be hard at first, but you recognize its beauty, and you are willing to accept what must be done and get it done.

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2. Leo 

(July 23 – August 22)

Today is the day you swallow your pride and come to terms with the idea that not only are you not always right about everything, but you can change and you can do it without putting up a fight. During the transit of Venus square Pluto, you’re going to see that the potential for greatness is right there, and that, even though you feel it’s a hard thing to admit to, you need to change in order to achieve this greatness.

This is related to your romantic life and that is more than likely why it’s also a pride issue for you, Leo. You’ve lived a certain lifestyle with the person you are with. 

If you go back over your history with this person, you’ll see that it was you who developed the condition under which you are presently living. What’s happened is that your partner grew to resent it, and now they want change. Change is good, Leo, and on December 3, 2023, you will see how true this is.

So, it’s really just a matter of you accepting that you need to change a few things about your manner in order to please your partner. Rather than make this an argument, you decide to see things through their eyes. Once you are able to empathize with the person you love, you’ll find that a transit like Venus square Pluto is there to help you achieve success. Everything is ‘technically’ on your side today if you see it that way.

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3. Aquarius 

(January 20 – February 18)

Being told what to do has never worked all that well with you, but you will notice that on December 3, 2023, you aren’t being told what to do but suggested to do something a different way by someone who truly does love and respect you. What you’ll find is that during the transit of Venus square Pluto, your romantic partner wants something of you that you have, to the date, not wanted to budge on. This has caused friction, and yet, it isn’t going away.

You may find that it’s time to open your mind and see if this kind of transformation is something you can accept in yourself, as this is starting to feel like a deal-breaker where your partner is concerned.

What Venus square Pluto may have you observing is that they aren’t asking anything of you that anyone else wouldn’t ask for; they need this and you have to wonder if it’s your pride that stands in the way of giving them what they seem to require from you.

This transit, Venus square Pluto, has the power to open your eyes and let you know that you aren’t being threatened. In fact, you are being influenced to transform. While you may be reluctant to change, you do know that your partner loves you very much and that the feeling is mutual, so … why not at least try to change or adapt in the way they’ve suggested? On December 3, 2023, has the power to change your mind.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 

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