5 alcohol and food combinations that are a no-no

Whether you’re entertaining guests or are having one of those quiet nights with a glass of wine and a book, we’re certain there’s some snack that will accompany. In terms of food and alcohol pairings, perhaps the most popular is wine & cheese. While that may be a classic combination, did you know that there are certain foods you should avoid in order to stay healthy? After all, drinking can’t be the sole reason you’re putting on weight.

Vaniitha Jaiin, Founder of The Perfect Pour (Wine, Spirits & Lifestyle Consulting Firm) believes that it’s essential to not overdo either—both drinking and eating. “While the body chooses to metabolise alcohol first over every other macronutrient, you can’t just blame the spirit for the weight gain or negative health effects as alcohol itself doesn’t magically turn food into fat. Most people forget that fried food and cheesy pizzas consumed with the drinks is what contributes to fat and health issues,” she says.

Some of the things to avoid, according to Jaiin, are foods high in sodium, and the spicy and oily foods that can cause discomfort and acidity. Staying hydrated and choosing nutrient-rich foods like fruits and veggies give the body the fuel it needs to process alcohol, she states. “Eating a simple salad before going out is like venturing out on an empty stomach. Make sure it has some form of protein in it which takes longer to digest as that will slow down the rise of your blood alcohol levels,” she suggests.

Here are some foods experts believe should be avoided:  


Feeling bloated after enjoying that glass of beer and trying to soak it all up with bread? According to Dr Prashant Mistry, Physical Therapist and Nutritionist, having breads with beer actually dehydrates the body as the liver is not able to process the alcohol and one may end up throwing up as the body tries to get rid of the toxins it can’t digest.


Having a bit of dark chocolate every day is considered good for the heart and also has a number of other health benefits, but when you combine it with alcohol the effect is not exactly the same, says Mistry. The nutritionist says that it can actually be harmful for your intestine lining. “Just like other acidic foods, the cocoa in chocolate can trigger gastrointestinal issues,” he says.

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