A vision for NATO’s future – POLITICO

Third, we must improve interoperability and swiftly develop a strong defense-industrial base across the Alliance. This would serve the complementary goals of replenishing stockpiles, increasing our capabilities for deterrence and defense, as well as providing assistance to Ukraine. We will also encourage a stronger and more capable European defense industry that is complementary and interoperable with NATO.

Fourth, while we have been lagging on defense financing, benefiting from what we thought to be an everlasting peace dividend for many years, this is no longer possible. All of us must do our utmost to reach the minimum of 2 percent GDP for defense spending, and to invest at least 20 percent on major equipment, as soon as possible. Adequate financing must also be result-oriented and accompanied by increases in efficiency.

Fifth, as the threats we face today go beyond the military dimension, we must deliver stronger resilience for the Alliance and its members, countering hybrid and cyber threats and protecting critical infrastructure.

A focus on conversations for consolidating a more strategic partnership between the NATO and the EU| Nicolas Maeterlinck/Belga Mag/AFP via Getty Images

Sixth, as a stronger Alliance is one where unity, solidarity and the transatlantic bond work in lockstep, mutually reinforcing each other, we will increase focus on political consultations and coordination. This will include input from all relevant NATO bodies, based on bolstered dialogue between political and military structures.

Seventh, we can, and must, do much more to consolidate the NATO-EU strategic partnership. The natural affinity between these two organizations and the multitude of interests we share compel us to reinforce the dynamics of our relationship, building on the right combination of high-level engagement, institutional cooperation and staff-to-staff dialogue.

Eighth, facing the reality of emerging and disruptive technologies, AI and quantum computing, NATO can only stay ahead by accelerating its digital transformation and increasing its investment in innovation. However, it must do so while simultaneously addressing climate change and its security implications. We must significantly improve cyber defense, which will add further strength to our posture. And as a values-based Alliance, we must earnestly invest in all strands of the human security agenda, keeping dignity and inclusivity at our core.

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