Aaron Rodgers: It’s not a one-year window for the Jets to be competitive

One of the questions that followed Aaron Rodgers’ trade to the Jets earlier this year was how long the quarterback plans to keep playing.

Rodgers didn’t share any specific plans for how long he’ll stay with the Jets, but he gave some hints he’s thinking several years away. Thursday’s first training camp press conference brought another.

Rodgers mentioned the number of players the Jets have in their first NFL seasons and how that gives them an extended window to compete.

“I like to be around the youthful energy, the excitement,” Rodgers said, via ESPN.com’s Rich Cimini. “There’s a great vibe in this team, guys who are young and super talented on their first contracts, lots of them. . . . When you have so many great players on rookie offers, it’s pretty exciting to know you can do something about it. You have a good window. It’s not just a one-year thing where you can be competitive, which is fun.

The Jets are hoping for instant results from their trade with Rodgers, but their decision to acquire him will be that much better if they get a long streak of success.

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