Alta. Premier Danielle Smith, N.W.T. Premier Caroline Cochrane to tour Calgary evacuee centre

Published Aug. 25, 2023 8:35 a.m. ET

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith and her N.W.T. counterpart Caroline Cochrane will be in Calgary Friday to tour the city’s reception centre for wildfire evacuees.

Since the centre was opened on Aug. 17, thousands of N.W.T. residents have made their way to the city for shelter and support.

According to the latest numbers, there are more than 2,700 N.W.T. residents staying in Calgary.

At the reception centre, evacuees are able to register for accommodation and financial support.

More than 1,100 hotel rooms have been set aside for those residents, but officials say Calgary has the capacity to house as many as 5,000 people if needed.

The two premiers will be joined by Alberta Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services Mike Ellis for the event, which is expected to include a media conference at 12:30 p.m.

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