Are PS5 exclusive games coming to Xbox?

Bloodborne – coming soon to Switch 2? (Picture: Sony)

The Thursday letters page is unimpressed by Sony’s talk of making games multiformat, as one reader laments the death of Yoshitaka Murayama.

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Private comments
Does this Sony president guy realise he’s saying all this out loud? Did he think it wouldn’t be made public or something? Why would you babble on about going multiformat, in the most vague way possible, only days after seeing what happened when it was only rumoured for Xbox? I do think the people in charge of these companies aren’t even trying anymore. Never mind an AI being put in charge, you could have the cleaners make the big decisions and they’d probably do better right now.

I’m not even sure he meant multiformat as everything, including Xbox and Switch, or whether he just meant PC as well as PlayStation 5, but he said the word, multiple times, and now it’s out there.

Xbox and PlayStation feel like they’re spiralling out of control at the moment, the whole industry just seems to have lost all common sense, with its obsession with buyouts, live service games, and the inability to explain to any of their fans what they’re actually up to.

I already own a PlayStation 5 but given the choice now I’d just go with a PC and leave Sony and Microsoft well behind me. The leadership of both are incompetent beyond belief and I’ve no idea why any of the top execs still have their job. Well… I suppose the head of PlayStation doesn’t.

New best friend
Sounds to me that Microsoft and Sony has suddenly realised that video games are too expensive and time consuming to make now and their answer is to try and expand the number of formats they’re on. But if the Xbox has sold 50% or less than the PlayStation 5 that’s not going to help much, is it?

Seems to me that Nintendo is the only thing that can help Sony, but I don’t think those two really get on all that well. In fact, I can’t remember the last time they even acknowledged each other.

If the Switch 2 is as powerful as a PlayStation 4 does that mean we’ll see ports of Sony exclusives on it? I don’t see why not but that will be very weird. At least it would, hopefully, mean that Sony has to acknowledge that Bloodborne exists though.

Hold my beer
I’m not sure what that Sony boss guy was going on about exactly, when he was talking about improving growth, but all I could think of was the hundreds of blameless employees that he’s clearly going to lay off in the next few months. If that’s not the truth of what he was getting at I’ll eat my hat.

I severely doubt that Xbox is going to dig itself out of the public relations mess it’s in at the moment, on Thursday, in fact I’d wager it’ll just dig itself deeper. Is Sony poised to take advantage of that vulnerability? No, they’ve somehow managed to make exactly the same mistake, except these aren’t rumours about going multiformat, this is something their president actually said on record.
You couldn’t make this nonsense up.

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The wait is over
10 years I’ve been hoping for a remaster of the PS1 Tomb Raiders. 20-odd years I’ve been wanting to play the PC Tomb Raider expansion packs. Now, thanks to Aspyr, I can. And it’s been well worth the wait. They have indeed done a sterling job.

Colours are vibrant. Textures look incredible. Lighting and shadows are impressive. The upgrade in graphics is stunning. And crucially, control using the left analogue stick works really well. Loads of achievements and replay value. The best just got better. It is truly awesome; I’m buzzing!
Paul C.
PS: That’s Game of the Year 2024 sorted, then.

Everything Remastered
With the recent release of the Tomb Raider Remastered Collection at £24.99, and it having great new features and additional content, I am wondering if other developers will finally take note and do what Saber Interactive has done by doing a collection of its PS1 games, such as Ubisoft with Destruction Derby 1, 2, and Raw; EA could do this with its Desert, Jungle, Urban, Soviet and Nuclear Strike; Capcom with the PS1 versions of Resident Evil 1, 2, and 3.

The Tomb Raider Remastered collection has a feature where you can switch between the classic mode and remastered version and hopefully other video games companies and developers will do this with their PS1 titles and bring this to the current generation of consoles.

It is a great way to help preserve video game history and show the newer generations what they missed and give them an appreciation for some of the best games to ever hit systems of the past.
gaz be rotten (gamertag)

GC: Destruction Derby is a Sony franchise.

Strange days
So, I left the PC arms race behind just about when the PlayStation 4 came out (for the usual reasons, blah, blah) and upgraded to the PS4 Pro in 2017. Had some great times, then lost interest sometime in 2021 when I couldn’t see the point of upgrading to the new gen (PlayStation 5 era, natch), because of the great uptick in costs all around for the same games with shinier graphics. But at the same time I didn’t like that I was missing out on the new shiny, shiny.

(Modern world issues!)

The break did me good though and I began to follow the news about the new Soulsborne that was Elden Ring mid-2022-ish, after it was already out of course, by then.

Well, what a game and so only these last couple of weeks have I decided to have a good look at the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X for further shenanigans.

Aaaaaand, well, this is where we see that Xbox is in a li’l trouble it appears and I did fancy a change from the PlayStation environs, so what to do?

The Nintendo Switch is too small and flimsy for me but the Switch 2 may be a possibility when it deigns to make a show of itself, but then the PC handhelds like Steam Deck, etc. are also quite appealing.

Would get on fine no doubt with any of the three current contenders, but the poor battery life means picking the weakest one here, Steam Deck, and though not a bad choice the bigger screen of the Lenovo Go is also very tempting.

Back to PlayStation 5 for a sec and the lack of good but cheap third party wired controllers is a concern, as I have always enjoyed Nacon’s wired pads so there’s that that irks me somewhat, among a few other things.

Anyway, we’ll see what Phil ‘n’ Ms Bond have to say tomorrow and I’ll continue watching endless drivel on YouTube before (not) making any hasty decisions.

To finish, my iPad is aging badly (2017 model) so just recently found that they are also updating their lineup in the next month or so! Call Of Duty Mobile has been great fun but apart from the odd tennis or golf game nothing on the App Store has really grabbed me otherwise.

Oh, and using my phone is way too small ‘n’ fiddly as well!

To finish, again, a hefty investment whatever I finally go for it but what crazy times to be in, huh?

Gone but not forgotten
Very saddened to hear this morning of the death of Yoshitaka Murayama, most famously the creator of the Suikoden franchise and director of its first three games.

His latest game (Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes) is only a couple of months away from release, which he will now no longer be with us to see. He was a great story writer and made fantastic games – RIP.
Lord Darkstorm

GC: It is sad he didn’t get to see the game’s release; we’re very much looking forward to it. ご冥福をお祈りします

Backwards momentum
We’re understandably bewildered about what’s going on with Sony but despite all this chat about service-based games, I feel like there’s a more obvious explanation that seems to be getting dismissed or ignored.

If you assume it takes more than a few years to make a new game from scratch (even a ‘more of the same’ title like Ragnarök, Spider-Man 2 or Horizon Forbidden West), it doesn’t seem that hard to see why Sony might not have anything to say about its big first party teams.

I don’t know if they have a major studio that hasn’t released a big game in the past three and a bit years, so what’s left that’s genuinely likely to be in the imminent pipeline? It would be like if Nintendo packed the Switch 2 with new games in their biggest franchises during the first two years, then we’re all suddenly confused about why there’s nothing in 2027 onwards.

I don’t want to be an apologist, as the current situation is still an indictment on PlayStation in terms of scheduling and foresight. Plus, they could always do what they used to and at least announce some games that are ages away from release. But it would be useful to think about what we can realistically expect (and from which teams).

Where there are no new games or announcements from smaller or less recognised studios, I understand the confusion. But for everyone else, it doesn’t strike me as that unusual for a team to keep quiet about what it’s doing two or three years after their last big game. Especially having been right in the middle of a pandemic when so many were moving on to new work. A pandemic that already bit Nintendo and Xbox fairly hard between 2020 and 2022, at a time when Sony was relatively prolific.

I’m not optimistic we’ll find out what the likes of Bluepoint and Housemarque are up to this year but what I’d have to regard as almost unthinkable is the notion that none of these teams are working on anything, or that they’ve all been redirected towards service games they have no experience with. Both of which are scenarios I’ve seen strongly speculated or even assumed. I mean they’re possibilities but (currently) not the most likely ones as far as I’m concerned.

Bottom line, nothing I’ve said gets Sony out of jail, purely on the basis that they’re still accountable for sharing a vision for the future of this huge platform they’re supposed to be hosting. But even in a best case scenario, where the rumblings about internal conflicts weren’t accurate, it’s hard to see what would result in better first party momentum beyond the big players spacing their releases out better next time or Sony establishing more of those big players than they currently have.

GC: Better first party momentum? The only way their momentum could be worse is if it starts going backwards and they un-publish games that are already out.

Inbox also-rans
Intergalactic The Heretic Prophet sounds like the most generic sci-fi name possible but, eh, if it’s a new IP I’ll take it.

Am I the only one that never really liked Donkey Kong being part of the Super Mario universe? I know him and Mario started off together but he doesn’t really seem to fit the whole tone of the modern version of it. Diddy Kong and the rest of his family are even worse.

This week’s Hot Topic
The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Grackle, who asks what difficultly level do you usually play video games on?

Most, but not all, games have a difficulty setting but which do you usually start with? The default or lower or higher? What level of skill do you generally consider yourself to have with games and does your chosen difficultly usually suit you or do you often have to change it while playing?

Do games do enough to account for people of different skill levels and what features do you wish were included as standard? Have you ever found that the difficultly levels of a game don’t go low, or high, enough for your tastes?

Email your comments to:

The small print
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length and content.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Reader’s Feature at any time via email or our Submit Stuff page, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

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