Best Organic Coffee: Top 7 Brews Most Recommended By Experts

When you’re ready to upgrade your daily caffeine routine, opting for some of the best organic coffee is a great idea. When coffee beans are grown organically, they’re nurtured with love instead of being sprayed with synthetic pesticides or chemicals. The flavors are more vibrant, the aromas are richer, and the caffeine kick is out of this world. It’s the kind of coffee that doesn’t just wake you up; it gives you a high-five every morning.

There are endless benefits to drinking coffee. To name a few, having your daily cup can help reduce the risk of kidney damage, treat ADHD, and prevent the development of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. So, why not increase the benefits even more by trying out an organic brew?

Coffee is a worldwide favorite beverage. Did you know that the average American drinks 460 cups of coffee every year? That’s not necessarily a number to be ashamed about. With the plentiful health benefits, coffee drinkers are not only getting their daily caffeine fix but boosting their overall health.

The best organic coffee isn’t just about taste; it’s about sustainability. By choosing these beans, you’re supporting eco-friendly farming practices that preserve our precious planet. It’s coffee with a conscience, and it feels good in every sip. No more guilt-tripping over your morning brew – it’s time to feel fabulous about your choice!

Looking for the best organic coffee to kickstart your day? The coffee experts have done the research and StudyFinds has reviewed their recommendations for the finest brews for a guilt-free caffeine fix. Have a favorite organic coffee blend? Share it with us in the comments.

coffee roasting
Coffee beans (Photo by Tim Mossholder from Unsplash)

The List: Best Organic Coffee, According to Experts

1. Kicking Horse Coffee

Number one on our list of the best organic coffee is Kicking Horse Coffee. “Growth in the coffee market has created a lot of space for creative naming. It’s great that Kicking Horse Coffee thought to give the name Kick Ass to one. This is a great coffee, and could easily compete for one of our top spots. It’s got a great, rich flavor accentuated with just a tinge of smokiness. We also think it would make an outstanding cold brew. The problem is that it comes pre-ground for drip machines. That means more of the grounds would leak through a filter cylinder and into your coffee in most systems. Because it can’t live up to its full potential, we couldn’t give it either of our top spots for regular coffee,” says Coffee Affection.

Kicking Horse Coffee
Kicking Horse Coffee Ground Medium Roast

Unearth the brewing secrets that make your organic coffee taste out-of-this-world. “Kicking Horse is a Canadian based company that roasts 100% organic and Fair Trade, shade grown Arabica beans with a passion to create kick-ass blends,” writes Mindful Momma.

Can a cup of organic coffee truly set the mood for an awesome day ahead? The answer is yes. You can expect “fair-trade, organic beans roasted in the rocky mountains to create kick ass coffee. The Three Sisters are a trio of towering Canadian Rocky Mountains, this coffee pays homage to the powerful peaks with a triple punch of light, medium and dark roasts,” shares Single Handed Products.


What’s so special about this organic brand? “According to Lifeboost, the brand offers the ‘healthiest, tastiest, lowest acid cup of coffee possible.’ Their beans and brews are doing exactly the stuff they promised. The brand has 100% USDA Organic, single-origin, mycotoxin-free, shade grown, and pesticide-free coffee. Their products also rank on the lower end of the acidity scale 6.0+ PH. Maybe, this is why Lifeboost is taking the gutsy to an entirely new level. Choose from—Light, Medium, Dark, Espresso, Midnight, and Flavored coffee. We recommend their Decaf Hazelnut Coffee and Decaf French Vanilla Coffee. Overall, Lifeboost is smooth, rich-tasting, and one of the healthiest organic coffees on the list,” says Wiser Eco.

LifeBoost Ground Medium Roast Coffee
LIFEBOOST Ground Medium Roast Coffee

Get ready to take a flavorful journey through the world of organic coffee. “Lifeboost Coffee is the brainchild of Dr. Charles Livingston, a chiropractic physician determined to find the cleanest cup of coffee around, and it’s our number-one pick among organic coffee brands right now. All the company’s single-origin beans are USDA-certified organic, but the benefits don’t stop there: Lifeboost joe is also non-GMO, Fair Trade, low-acid, and kosher. These shade-grown coffee beans come from farms 5,700 feet above sea level in Nicaragua. Come harvest day, producers handpick the joe and roast it slowly, lending the resulting brew a unique flavor profile. The care taken to produce this rich, mellow joe (also available as decaffeinated coffee) shows up in every sip, and its hints of caramel are sure to make your taste buds happy,” writes Roasty Coffee.

Cold brew lovers, have you unlocked the potential of organic coffee in your brews? “The best Organic coffee we’ve tasted is Lifeboost Coffee’s Dark Roast. These beans aren’t just Organic — they’re also single-origin, mycotoxin- and pesticide-free, and shade-grown in the mountains of Nicaragua. It’s an impressive coffee variety, and the flavor doesn’t disappoint either. We found this dark roast smooth, low-acid, and easy on the stomach, while maintaining plenty of rich, chocolatey flavor. It’s not overly dark and there isn’t a hint of bitterness. The only downside is how dangerously drinkable this tasty coffee is — and the high price. These are gourmet coffeebeans, and the cost reflects that. Still, Lifeboost’s coffee is delicious, smooth, and healthy,” shares Coffee Affection.

3. Volcanica Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Coffee

Volcanica Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Coffee is another brand that stands out above the rest. “Many organic coffees tend to be single-origin due to the scarcity of beans worldwide. But, many of the top retailers of organic coffee do blend beans from different countries. However, Volcanica, which specializes in coffee from volcanic regions around the world, chooses only to sell beans from a single farm in any given bag. That’s why their Ethiopian Yirgacheffee Coffee takes our award for ‘best single origin’ coffee. It’s organically grown in Ethiopia and boasts a brilliant acidity as well as floral and fruit tones,” writes SPY.

Volcanica Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Coffee
Volcanica Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Medium/Light Roast Whole Bean Coffee

Buckle up for an adventure in taste with the quirkiest, most unique organic coffee beans. “Volcanica has one of the widest ranging choices of organic coffee and after testing we were suitably impressed by one of their offerings in particular. Their Ethiopian Yirgacheffe is actually one of their best sellers and it is easy to see why this South Ethiopian organic coffee is such a hit with their customers. Made with a traditional arabica that is grown on wild coffee trees, this coffee has an almost wine like complexity with fruit-like flavors of blueberry and blackberry on the palate. This coffee is both Fair Trade and Kosher certified and topped our list when it came to flavor. Volcanica will give you the full back story of this coffee on their website but from a taste point of view, you can’t go wrong with this medium to light roast coffee,” says Coffee Grind Guru.

“The majority of the world’s organic coffee is grown in Latin America, primarily Mexico and Peru, but if you can’t get enough of the complex and juicy flavors of an Ethiopian brew, then you’re in luck. This organic single-origin from Volcanica coffee, one of their best sellers, will be right up your alley. It comes from the famed growing region of Yirgacheffe, known for coffees with bright acidity and sweet fruit and floral flavors. The beans are given a light-medium roast that maintains all the subtlety of the flavor profile. Expect to taste juicy blueberries and blackberries at the fore, backed by a surprising hit of citrus acidity that makes your taste buds jump up and take notice,” shares Home Grounds.

4. Subtle Earth Organic Gourmet Coffee

Number four on our list of the best organic coffee is Subtle Earth Organic Gourmet Coffee. “Subtle Earth Organic Gourmet Coffee’s medium-dark roast, which took the title of best low-acid organic coffee beans in a previous version of this story, with many reviewers praising its smooth, flavorful taste. One avid coffee-drinker who tries to ‘stay away from coffees that are overly acidic or fruity’ says this is the best one he’s found so far, calling his purchase a complete win, and I am seriously enjoying every cup of coffee I’ve had from it,” says NY Mag.

Subtle Earth Organic Gourmet Coffee
Subtle Earth Organic Gourmet Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee

Learn the secrets to keeping your organic coffee beans fresh and fabulous. “Subtle Earth is the organic line of Don Pablo Coffee Growers and Roasters. All of Don Pablo’s coffee is 100% arabica beans shade-grown at high altitude. Don Pablo refined their roasting profiles to bring out the unique character of each batch of beans. The coffee is roasted to order. This guarantees that you receive the freshest coffee possible. Don Pablo Coffee Growers and Roasters grows, picks, and processes its own coffee beans in Colombia. This company also manages coffee production in South and Central America through its Sharing Certified Program,” shares Coffee How.

“Even though the word subtle is on every pack of Don Pablo Coffee Growers and Roasters’ Subtle Earth beans, the cup of coffee they brew is anything but that. The organically-grown coffee boasts a full body and rich flavors marked by hints of milk chocolate, caramel, and honey — a sweet and lovely way to start the day. This coffee, grown in high-altitude regions in Honduras, roasts in small batches to order, ensuring you, dear coffee snob, get the freshest beans possible. Though we recommend picking whole beans when trying Subtle Earth, you can purchase these beans already ground. However, you’ll have to be sure to select the correct grind size for your preferred brewing method,” writes Roasty Coffee.

5. Peet’s Coffee

Peet’s Coffee was also favored by experts. “Peets Coffee has a variety of cafes and coffee bars around the United States that provide Peet’s coffee in a cafe setting. However, they have at-home coffee available for you to order from their website, so you can still enjoy a delicious cup of robust coffee anywhere. They currently have around 331 cafe and coffee bar locations serving made-to-order Peet’s coffee, primarily in California around San Fransisco and Los Angeles,” says Renaissance Rachel.

Peet's Organic Dark French Roast Coffee
Peet’s Organic Dark French Roast Ground Coffee

Prepare to unravel the delicious mysteries of the best organic coffee blends out there. “The Colombian-grown beans are deeply sweet and chocolatey, with hints of toasted almond and a fruity apricot top note. A brewed cup has a heavy body and creamy mouthfeel, making this a fine choice for an espresso, moka pot, or French press brew. But this sustainable coffee has more to recommend it than just being a delicious start to your day. Grown high in the mountains of the Sierra de Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia, this coffee is not just certified organic but also meets the more rigorous environmental and socio-economic standards of being Bird Friendly and Rainforest Alliance certified,” writes Home Grounds.

Can a cup of organic coffee truly set the tone for an amazing day ahead? “One of the benefits of coffee brewed via French press is that the immersion brewer allows all of the beans’ natural oils to make their way into your cup, which means you end up with flavorful coffee. That’s why it’s the preferred brewing method for French roasts like these from Peet’s. The dark beans brew bold coffee, and you don’t have to worry about missing out on any of its burnt sugar notes or smokiness with a French press. The effort put into producing Peet’s joe is worth appreciating, as any of the beans that made it into your coffee maker have not only met USDA standards but have also met the brand’s requirements for taste and quality. In other words, Peet’s wants to make sure you get the best brew possible,” shares Roasty Coffee.

6. Death Wish Coffee

Next up is this creatively-named brand. “Death Wish isn’t exactly branded to be an everyday coffee. If it were, the company might not suggest that you drink it at your peril. But we get that it goes with the marketing gimmick that it’s the world’s strongest coffee. We kind of suspect that’s not the case, but it doesn’t matter because this is one good cup of coffee. It’s a dark roast, so it doesn’t quite have the caffeine of a light or medium roast. What it does have is a rich, robust flavor that doesn’t have the bitterness of less masterful roasting. It’s expensive, probably one of the most expensive coffees available, so you’re paying for that excellence. Also, we suspect, for a bit of the branding,” says Coffee Affection.

Death Wish Dark Roast Ground Coffee
Death Wish Dark Roast Ground Coffee

“If you’re all about the caffeine, then you need to try Death Wish Coffee. It has about three times the amount of caffeine as regular coffee. They not only claim to be the strongest coffee in the world but also the strongest coffee in the galaxy! In 2018, Death Wish sent their instant freeze-dried coffee to the Space Station. Death Wish achieves its high-octane blend by including robusta beans. Rest assured, the Specialty Coffee Association has deemed Death Wish coffee as a specialty roast or gourmet blend. That means it tastes fantastic. The company uses a unique roasting process to achieve a bold coffee that retains its caffeine content,” shares Coffee How.

Can you really taste the difference in a cup of organic versus regular coffee? “Death Wish Coffee is somewhat self-explanatory – those who drink it might just have a death wish! The coffee is aptly named for its high caffeine content and extreme strength. It’s not for the weak of heart and is desired by those who want a giant surge of energy to either get or keep them going. Death Wish Cafe – Organic coffee beansThe blend boasts an insane 60mg of caffeine per ounce. While this will certainly give you the energy you’re after, it is a quantity that can be dangerous if you have too much. If that doesn’t alert you to the strength of this coffee, then nothing will,” writes Brew Smartly.

7. Stone Street Coffee

Finally, Stone Street Coffee is the last brew we are highlighting on our list. “Stone Street Coffee prides itself on providing artisanal-quality coffee to its customers; this includes where it is sourced from and how it is roasted. The coffee is roasted in small batches, but their machinery and expertise allow them to produce products for customers of all sizes. They also take customer service and satisfaction very seriously – always attempting to provide top-notch coffee and service,” says Renaissance Rachel.

Stone Street Cold Brew Coffee Beans
Stone Street Cold Brew Coffee Beans

Meet the passionate souls behind your beloved organic coffee brands – they’re coffee heroes. “The company hails from Brooklyn, New York. Many of its coffees have various certifications, including organic, Rainforest Alliance, Fair Trade, and Kosher. While their focus is mainly on the experience in the cup, they are also an ethical company. They partnered with Sweet Unity Farms. That organization works to improve the economic position and quality of life for rural coffee farmers. Sweet Unity Farms buys coffee from cooperatives of family-owned farms. Stone Street offers several organic coffees. Our top pick is their organic dark roast. This blend includes beans from South America and Indonesia. It produces a thick, rich, chocolatey brew. Flavor notes also include caramel. The full body is also smooth and silky. In addition to USDA Organic certification, this blend is also Fair Trade and Kosher certified,” shares Coffee How.

What’s the scoop on the most extraordinary organic coffee beans around? “Stone Street does offer its cold brew blend in whole bean form, which will give you a fresher cup. However, the grind is very important when cold brewing, so they also offer a pre-ground version if you’re not confident you can do it right on your own, the grind they offer is the perfect level of coarseness that allows for maximum flavor extraction during a cold brew,” writes Brew Smartly.

What is your favorite flavor of coffee? Leave a comment to let us know!

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