Breaking down the Detroit Lions’ remaining six games of the 2023 season

1. Time to panic? Campbell acknowledged that his team was outplayed, but he did not go further than that in his postgame assessment.

“It wasn’t good enough out there, but I’m not panicked,” Campbell said. “We got the right guys here. We know how to play. We have to clean some things up.

“We’ll have six to go when we get back. The fight’s on. Whoever thinks this is going to be some kind of cruise control … we’re going to have to fight and scratch and claw for everything. That’s the type of team we are. That’s where we’re at.”

2. Bad call: Campbell admitted he made a mistake in going for a fake punt at the Lions’ 23 in the third quarter. A running play failed to gain.

“That’s a bad call on me,” he said.

3. Turnovers: The Lions have 23 sacks, and 18 of those came in three games. They’ve also struggled to generate turnovers consistently.

“We’ve got to find a way to get takeaways,” Campbell said. “Let’s start there.”

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