ChatGPT Creator and Others Invest US$2.3M in Indian Teens. Sam Bankman-Fried, the King of Crypto Fraud FTX, is Accused


The creator of ChatGPT and others invest US$2.3 million in Indian teen prodigies

Good morning tech fam, here are some quick tech updates for you to catch on to!

What’s New Today: Employers Prefer to Hire with Automation

Fast-Track Insights: Sam Bankman-Fried, the King of Crypto Fraud FTX, is accused

Aryan Sharma and Ayush Pathak, two 19-year-olds who developed Induced AI, have raised $2.3 million in funding in a round-headed by Sam Altman, co-founder of Open AI. In addition, the startup has received funding from other backers, Daniel Gross, Peak XV, and Nat Friedman’s AI award. Aryan Sharma, the CEO of Induced AI and one of these two adolescents, recently shared the tale of how he convinced the big tech companies to fund the startup. In an interview with the podcast Overpowered, Mr. Sharma described how he got to know Sam Altman, persuaded him to give the money, and got support for their start-up from Peak XV, Daniel Gross, and Nat Friedman.

A recent survey conducted by the Harris Poll on behalf of Indeed, which included more than 500 employers, 200 job seekers, and recent job switchers, revealed that artificial intelligence is redefining hiring and efficiency for businesses that have adopted it. Both organizations and job seekers view automation favorably. Though opinions about AI deployment from employers and job seekers are largely positive, a poll conducted by Indeed reveals that opinions across businesses vary on the impact of AI and where to apply it. 

Big data is the term used to describe the enormous and rapidly expanding volume of data that frequently exists within an organization in a variety of forms and originates from several sources. Stated differently, it is vast, diverse, and dispersed. Big data has a huge impact on how firms in almost every industry make decisions, create products, and manage their operations. Big data’s primary obstacles are related to organizational, technological, and operational limitations such as a lack of infrastructure or skilled personnel. Let us deconstruct these obstacles into manageable, easily understood problems and provide concrete solutions. Read More

Sam Bankman-Fried, the former operator of one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges globally, was convicted of fraud and money laundering following a trial that lasted a month in New York. After just four hours of deliberation, the jury returned a verdict. For the 31-year-old former billionaire and most well-known figure in the cryptocurrency world, it caps off a spectacular fall from grace. Following FTX’s bankruptcy, Bankman-Fried was taken into custody last year.

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