Could Germany host 20,000 elephants? We asked an expert. – POLITICO

But but but … let’s say the elephants did end up in Germany — which originally triggered Botswana’s ire by moving to bring in a ban on trophy-hunting imports, thereby nullifying a popular population-reduction method — where would be the ideal spot for them to live?

We asked an expert, Nuremberg Zoo director Dag Encke, for some answers on the Botswana government’s conundrum and Germany’s elephant-hosting suitability.

“The problem is so big and complex that Mr. Masisi is upset — for good reasons — about the Western simplification of possible solutions, which would also be completely counterproductive,” Encke told POLITICO.

Encke said he understands Botswana’s “dilemma,” as the country is trying to both protect its wildlife and its communities which are affected by the overpopulation.

Banning the import of trophies, he said, would make “zero contribution to species protection, but only creates one’s own moral well-being,” adding that, “trophy hunting has become a highly efficient tool for international and particularly southern African species conservation.” He pointed out that the practice is also endorsed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

“There are an estimated 130,000 elephants living in Botswana,” Encke said. “But the ecological carrying capacity for the country is estimated at 60,000 animals.”

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