Data sought on Rugby World Cup cross-channel coach movements

Data sought on cross channel coach movements to rugby world cup

The Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT) is seeking data from coach operators that will send vehicles cross-channel to the Rugby World Cup in France in September via the Port of Dover or the Channel Tunnel.

CPT says that such submissions to a brief survey will help to shape a response to the predicted busy travel period from both the Port of Dover and the Department for Transport (DfT). The survey asks for data including times and dates of outward and return travel, number of passengers, and destination(s) in France.

Matches in the tournament begin on 9 September. CPT has met with DfT, and the Department and the port both say that they want to ensure that the increase in coach and traveller numbers via Dover is managed effectively.

The survey has been developed in collaboration with DfT. Data submitted is anonymous and all responses will be passed onto DfT and the Port of Dover to assist in planning for the World Cup period.

Speaking about the work, CPT Coaching Manager Phil Smith says: “It has been really pleasing to hear that coach operators are reporting full order books this summer for group travel, including for popular events such as the Rugby World Cup.

“We would encourage all [coach] operators to complete our survey, which will help to ensure that coaches are able to travel through the port as quickly as possible. This is another excellent example of CPT working in partnership with DfT for the benefit of our members as well as the wider sector.”

Considerable work has been done by the Port of Dover to smooth cross-channel coach passage after a difficult opening weekend to the continental travel season in early April, when long delays were reported.

Those steps have not been to the liking of all operators involved, however. One has commented that coaches sometimes are still sometimes left queuing in heavy traffic outside the facility.

Access the survey here.

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