Deer attacks doors; West Bend business owner captures video

A buck took issue with some doors and windows in downtown West Bend very early Thursday morning, Nov. 9 – and it was all captured on video.

Tristan Nordquist, the manager of a business in West Bend, was the person who saw the buck on N. Main Street around 12:25 a.m. Thursday. He pulled out his cellphone and got video of the deer charging at doors and windows of businesses – including Jade and Ginger Vintage & Curated Goods and H.T.G. Design Jewelers.

The buck likely saw its reflection in the doors and windows – and suspected he was being challenged by another deer. 

West Bend deer attacks doors, windows in downtown businesses

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Eventually, the buck wandered down the street – through the downtown area. 

West Bend deer attacks doors, windows in downtown businesses

It appears none of the West Bend businesses that were “attacked” by the deer suffered any damage. 

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