Diet experts reveals real reason you might suddenly crave something sweet after dinner

Rachael Richardson and Allyson Brigham have shared four reasons why we like to snack on sweet food after eating dinner – they reveal how to reduce these cravings

Vitamin deficiencies and stress can link to sweet cravings, according to the experts (Getty Images)

Two top nutritionists have revealed the reasons you might suddenly crave something sweet after eating dinner and how to combat them.

It can become a habit to venture back into the kitchen a few hours after dinner and budge a savoury snack out of the way for chocolate instead. But although this might seem harmless, such food choices can be jammed with calories, fat and sugar.

Rachael Richardson, founder of Nutrolution, and Allyson Brigham, of Los Robles Regional Hospital in California, believe the cause behind sweet cravings can be linked to things including an improper diet or stress. They have shared four problems which could be the root reason behind the snacking.


Ms Richardson highlighted a craving can surpass hormones such as ghrelin and leptin can surpass signals to the brain to stop eating. For example, people who follow the keto diet have to drastically cut carbohydrates from their diet which can cause people to crave carb-focused sweets, reports Daily Mail. However, she warned that not getting enough carbs can lead to low blood sugar which prompts the body to want sugary snacks. “People following a keto diet might want something sweet to satisfy that nutrient need,” she said.

Vitamin deficiencies

The expert also highlighted how immediately grabbing sweets after mealtime can suggest vitamin deficiencies such as iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. She highlighted how magnesium can support the regulation of insulin production, which helps maintain low sugar levels. A lack of this vitamin can spark dessert cravings.

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