DIGITAL SAFETY: A safe place for all your data – Technology News

Data backup IS a vital practice involving duplicating essential information from your computer or mobile devices to safeguard against data loss. Whether it’s due to hard drive failures, theft, or ransomware attacks, the risk of losing critical files looms. Microsoft Security shares a few insights on the importance of backing up data.

What to back up?

While you don’t have to back up every single file, it’s advisable to include anything irreplaceable. For businesses, this entails files, databases, customer data, and operating systems, typically managed by IT departments. On personal devices, focus on preserving photos, videos, important documents, or spreadsheets. Smartphone users may consider backing up their entire device. Several backup solutions are available based on your device and usage:

Removable media: Portable devices like USB flash drives facilitate data transfer but have storage limitations and can be lost or stolen.

External hard drives: These connect to your computer through cables or wirelessly and offer higher storage capacities, upto 10 TB.

Cloud data backup: Cloud backups store data on remote servers, accessible via the internet. They offer ample storage and data encryption for security.

Once you’ve backed up your data, it’s crucial to maintain ongoing security measures. Remember, regular backups are your safety net for preserving your digital world.

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