Do computers make children “dumber, not smarter”?

Maria Hatzigianni, an expert in early childhood education and digital technologies at the University of West Attica, Greece, said Lankau’s comments were part of an old “anti-technology” trend.

“People have been making these comments about computers since the 1990s. Every time a new technology comes out, people panic. Even Socrates, almost 2,500 years ago, said that writing things down will make us forgetful,” Hatzigianni told DW.

But how bad is computer use for children really? Is this just another case of adults telling kids to get off their screens, or are the concerns real?

According to Prakash Ranganathan, Director for Center for Cyber Security Research at University of North Dakota in the US, the scientific evidence around the effects of digital technologies on child development is mixed.

“There is some evidence of effects on cognitive development — an inability to focus after computer over-use can lead to [a] passive learning experience which may hinder critical thinking and problem-solving skills. But it’s unclear if these potential negative impacts are short or long-lasting,” Ranganathan told DW.

Some studies suggest that over-use of computers affects physical health due to sedentary behaviors, including a rise in obesity, sleep disorders and anxiety.

Many of these concerns are connected with wider fears about the effects of the internet and social media on young people, but Ranganathan said we need more research to be sure of the links.

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